Happy Birthday

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Chapter 1
Soft delicate voices echo the room, with the 'happy birthday' tune faintly playing in the background. I glance around the room in pride, seeing my whole family under one roof to celebrate my baby boy's second birthday is such a special feeling. I peek up at Christian and watch him singling along softly, looking at our little boy in awe.

"Make a wish teddy" Christian whispers, as Ted looks up at his father with excitement glowing in his beautiful grey eyes. Ted inhales a little breath and uses all his force to attempt to blow out the remaining candle.

The room erupts in applause, as one by one the grey's, followed by mum, Bob and Ray and Ethan shower Teddy with cuddles and kisses, drowning him with love and affection. My boy is so lucky to be able to grow up in such a large loving family- something that I never had the pleasure of experiencing due to being an only child.

I lean over Ted to pick up his birthday cake an make my way to the kitchen. Sometimes, it still takes me by surprise with how wealthy Christian is- how wealthy I now am. What did I do to deserve all of this?

The kitchen is airy and spacious. The White cupboards snake along the edge of the room with charcoal grey marble work surfaces, and a breakfast bar dominates the centre of the kitchen. The touches of red from the paintings brighten up the place immensely. I gaze up at the paintings of the 3 peppers and am taken back to the delicious memories of our honeymoon. How perfect it was. My husband really does spoil me.

I am interrupted from my reverie due to Christian snaking his arms around me from behind, caressing my petite baby bump as he kisses me below my ear.

"How are you feeling Mrs Grey? I don't want you taking on too much" I roll my eyes at him, oh my overprotective megalomaniac husband.

"I know you're rolling your eyes at me" he says, amusement evident in the tone of his voice. How does he do this, it's like he can read my thoughts.

"Oh Christian, it's just a party and a few paper plates, it's hardly much of a challenge"

"I know. Just take it easy, you know I worry about the three of you". Three of us? Oh yes, me Ted and blip two.

"Does auntie Ana want a cuddle before we go?" Kate beams at me. Christian releases me, reluctantly I think.

"Oh auntie Ana would love a cuddle" I respond sweetly as Kate places baby Ava in my arms.

Ava is Kate and Elliott's two month old daughter, she's the spitting image of Kate although she has Elliott's eyes. Christian bends down and kisses her on the head before moving to the other side of the kitchen, his eyes filled with love. He really is smitten with her.

"Oh Ana, in three months we'll have our girls finally together, they're going to be best of friends". I grin at her, the thought never crossed my mind but I suppose they will.

"I'm sure they will." I grin up at her.

"Not long now, how are you feeling incidentally?"

"Better, although the morning sickness still hasn't stopped" I say, for honesty's sake.

"Oh Ana, I feel for you I really do, you've had such a rough time with this pregnancy" she looks sympathetic and sincere. I note Christian listening discreetly, and he's failing to hide the concern on his beautifully sculptured face.

"Oh really, it's not that bad, the reward at the end is worth it anyway".

Elliott bounds in the kitchen, Christian is once again back at my side after having made Teddy's bedtime bottle.

"Come on baby, time to go" Elliot put calls, as he moves towards Kate, wrapping his free arm around her shoulder whilst placing the car seat on the counter top. I hand baby Ava to Christian. He holds her close to his body as he sprinkles kisses on her forehead before handing her back to Elliott.

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