Serene Nights

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Authors note - Sorry this chapter is small, but it's just a filler chapter. Don't forget to check out my fanfic 'Yes, Mr Grey.' In collaboration with 'spxnkingdornan' where we will be telling the story FSOG from the perspective of Gail and Taylor.

The shimmering water in the lake reflects the colours in the opal sky. The peaceful, serene sight looks like a famous painting, so magical and surreal. Looking out on the landscape the moonlight shimmers on the glistening water. It's stunning. I'll never get used to this sight. It's beautiful. It's home. The chilly evening breeze nips at my arms, giving me goosebumps. A smooth silk material glides over my shoulders as Christian drapes his blazer over me. His face is brightens as I turn my attention to the first most beautiful sight, my husband.

"Beautiful isn't is?" He comments.

"Yes, it's perfect" I whisper as I cuddle Into his comforting arms. This is my favourite place. The place I feel sated, safe, secure.

"Like you, Mrs Grey"

"And you, Mr Grey". He says as he splays his finger across my enormous bump.

"How's our little one doing?" He asks softly.

"She's good, I think she's sleeping" I smile. He gently taps and rubs my swollen stomach.

"Are you going to say hello to daddy" he directs his attention to the little life inside of me. As he does, my daughter shifts, kicking me in the side as she moves. She recognises her daddy's voice already. It's incredible really. Christian smiles down at me in awe.

"She's a daddy's girl already" I giggle.

"Come, let's go in, it's cold" he orders softly, taking my hand and leading me back into our large luxury home.

As I stand in the illuminated kitchen he stands to face me, his eyes soft and welcoming. My heart swells with joy, and I am overwhelmed with how much I love this man. These last few weeks have been perfect, possibly the best few weeks of my life. Our own perfect little family, something that I never thought I'd have the luxury of experiencing.

"What would you like to do? We have the rest of the evening?" He says seductively.

"I know what I'd like to do, but what would you like to do?" I ask, mimicking his own words.

"Hmm, what a tempting morsel you are Mrs Grey. Shall we go in the hot tub?" I nod. We haven't been in the hot tub for a while. We rarely use it. Perhaps we could make good use of it tonight.

As I follow Christian towards the basement floor of the house, where the pool and hot tub are located, my mind drifts back to Mia's conversation.

"I'm just glad that we parted on good terms" Mia mutters, but there is a sad, melancholy tone to her voice. She isn't regretting this is she? It's too late to turn back now.

"Yeah, I guess. But how is is going to be a few weeks down the line? Where you're constantly going to be bumping into each other. You don't want it to be awkward and uncomfortable, especially considering you share the same niece and nephew" . I question.

"Ethan's happy for me, he thinks José is a nice guy"

"But you don't want to force him into a friendship he feels uncomfortable in" I say, trying to argue Ethan's point.

"I know. But Ana, I really like José, like really really like him. He's.. Everything" she whispers.

"Oh Mia, as long as you're happy, and you know what you're doing. Just be careful, otherwise someone's feelings are going to get hurt" I express.

"I know. Thankyou for listening Ana, you know I couldn't go to Kate about this, for obvious reasons"

"It's no problem Mia. Have you told Christian yet? He's not exactly José's number one fan" I warn.

"Ahhh" she says me biting her lip. Ahhh. That doesn't sound like a good ahh either. Oh no. What's she done?

"Well, I was hoping you'd tell him. I mean, you know what an awesome guy José is, and he's less likely to freak out at you!" She pleads. Oh no no no. I can't see Christian accepting him into the family with open arms. He's so protective over Mia, and he still dislikes José, this is not going to go down well.

As my flashbacks fade out the sound of Christian's voice fades in.

"Ana?" He calls, pulling me out of my day dream. I turn to face him. He's looking at me expectedly. I shift my body so that I'm standing before him, so that he has complete control over my body.

As I lay in the hot tub, the warm water wraps around me like silk, comforting and massaging my aching body. I sit opposite Christian as he massages my swollen feet. He really is so caring and loving.

"You seem out of sorts today, what's wrong?" He asks. This whole drama with Mia and José has been playing on my mind. How am I going to break this to him without him going thermonuclear fifty on me.

"Ana" he pushes.

"Christian, you know Ethan and Mia's split" I sigh.

"Yes what about it?" He asks, more sharply than I think is intended.

"Well, it wasn't exactly just down to them 'drifting apart' as Mia likes to call it"

"What do you mean by that?" Oh Christian, he really is obtuse sometimes. I need to tell him. Right, here goes.

"I don't know how to say this but, the reason for the split was because her and José have been seeing each other for the last few months. Mia split with Ethan so that they could finally make it official" as I say the words, I see the fury developing in his expression. His stance is more distant, cold. Boy, he's angry. He stops massaging my feet and my feet float graciously back into the water.

"How long have you known about this?" He asks sternly.

"A few weeks" I murmur quietly.

"And you didn't think to tell me?"

"Mia made me promise not to, she said she knew what she was doing" He runs his hand through his damp hair. Tension radiating off his body.

"Fuck! First my wife and now my sister! This boy really does have no morels or respect! That damn photographer!" He's angry. And I can't tell wether it's at me or the situation he's found himself in. I slowly glide through the water, sitting close to him. Touching him. I hold my hands up to his damp face and burn my eyes into his.

"Christian, she's a grown woman, she knows what she's doing. You need to let her do this on her own, without you there undermining every decision she makes" I say softly. He closes eyes, as if he's having an internal battle with his subconscious.

"Let's not talk about that tonight, we've had such a lovely day, let's not ruin it" I kiss him quickly on the lips, and snuggle into his embrace.

Although I know this isn't going to be the end of it, not with Christian.

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