Baby bird

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Chapter 5

Christian is pacing the room, his face is pale and etched with worry. My heart is drumming and I can feel beads of swear forming on my forehead. How the hell did Jack get these into the house!? Maybe he's working with somebody on the inside? No, nobody would do that, not anybody who was celebrating with us tonight.

"Welch, I want the security detail to do a sweep of the entire house once they arrive, keep sawyer and Ryan there for the night, I want them to be monitoring the premises.. Yes.. None of them are to be left alone at any point.. Notify me.. Yes." He snaps the phone shut, Taylor is standing at the threshold of the room, awaiting instructions.

"Taylor can you call Gail and tell she she's to come and stay here until we know the house is clear, and would you be able to go and pick her up? We'll be fine here"

"Sir" Taylor nods and leaves the room.

"Do you really think that he could have got in Grace's?" I whisper breathlessly. I begin to feel myself trembling, as the adrenaline floods through my body.

"Hey, come here, I don't think he could have got in Ana, somebody would have noticed, but I'm not taking any risks, not with any of you" he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his embrace. Tears begin to flow down my face, due to the tension and fear building up inside me. I tried to stay calm, for Christian and Teddy's sake, but it's all too much. I am terrified of what Jack could do, he wants revenge, and he's not going to stop.

"Christian how has this happened? I thought he wouldn't be let out for at least another two years" I mutter in in between sobs.

"I have no idea Ana, hopefully my dad will have some answers for us tomorrow morning. If he's got in that house I'll have welch's balls on a platter" he snaps angrily. It's hardly Welch's fault. Nobody expected this. If Jack is out, it's a mystery.

"Ana? Maybe you and Ted should go away for a few days, weeks even.. You could go and stay in aspen or even New York, its not safe for you here, not while we have no idea about who Jack is working with and how he's getting to us or even where he is." What? His voice sounds painted and I feel like I've just been slapped around the face. Leave! No! I can't leave! I'm not going anywhere without Christian.

"Christian what on earth are you talking about? I'm not leaving, I am not going anywhere without you..if it's not safe here for us then it's not safe for you! How could you possibly even say that?" As the words leave my mouth I still can't believe that he even suggested that! He holds me tighter and I know that he's scared, Christian rarely gets scared, apart from when I was in hospital and when I was delivering Ted. Is there more to this that I don't know?

"Come. Let's take a bath" and I know by his tone that this is not a request. He needs this. He needs me.

Sweet aroma fills the room as Christian tips scented bubble bath into the running water. The air is hot and steamy, making my dress cling to my skin. It's stifling. Christian strolls over to me, like a man who is at ease with himself and his body, oh how appearances can be so deceptive. He tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear and gazes at me with his intense stare. I know this look.. My inner goddess jumps up with apprehension.

"Right- let's get you out of this dress. You look beautiful Ana". He lifts my chin up with middle and index finger and brings my mouth up to reach his. I take full advantage, swirling my tongue around his mouth. A groan escapes his throat as he pulls back all too quickly. Oh Christian, what's wrong?

"Turn around" he orders and I am too quick to oblige. He traces the top of the dress with his fingers. I can feel it, the charge and the electricity between us. He slowly pulls down my zipper, his fingers skimming my spine, I feel my breath begin to hitch. As his fingers make work pulling my dress down, his hands caress my sides, bum and legs.

"Step" he orders and holds out his hand to stop me falling, whilst using his other hand to move the dress from under me.

"Turn around baby, I want to see you" as he stands, I am stood there in just my panties. His eyes greedily run up and down my body. He always tells me I'm beautiful, but I don't feel beautiful. My body isn't what it used to be. My belly no longer looks young and youthful due to the large cesarean scar running across the line between my belly and pubic area. Although I at the same time, I love it, it's part of me, part of my little boy. I wrap my arms around myself, I feel so exposed.

"Ana, don't hide from me, you're beautiful and you have a beautiful body" he takes my hand and leads me to the bath, supporting me while I sink into the large egg shaped tub. This feels heavenly. Christian strips in record time, I move forward so that he's able to slip in beside me. Mm skin on skin. As I rest my head against Christian's chest, I feel the tension radiating off of his body. There's more to it. I know there is!

"Christian.. What's wrong?" I demand. I will not be kept in the dark about this! I turn my head so that I'm looking up at his beautiful, but scarred face.

"You know that's wrong, I told you" and I know he's lying. Why does he do this?

"No, Christian you're not, I know that you're not telling me everything." I put my caress his cheek with my damp hand as he shifts his head out of my reach. Whatever it is it must be really bad, he doesn't know what to do or how to handle it.

"Christian, please! Talk to me!" I cry. He sighs heavily and closes his eyes, as though he's battling with his inner demons.

"Welch found several calls being exchanged between Jack and Elena the day before she called you" his voice cracks and my insides clench.

"Is that why you're so worried" he wraps his arms around my shoulders and bruited his nose in my hair, and I know that I have my answer.

"Ana, I'm worried because if Jack is working with Elena, it will be a lot easier to get to us, to our family. Elena knows far too much about me, my old lifestyle. She knows me well enough to predict my every move Ana, she taught me everything I know, and now it's coming back to strike me" his voice drops. I turn around to face him as the water sloshes over the side of the bathtub, but I don't care. Taking his head in my hands, I sit astride him.

"Christian, why did you want me to keep my pants on?" I ground, laughing at the thought. He giggles, and I see a glimpse of playful Christian.

"Oh Mrs Grey, you'll see" he smirks at me and begins to slide them down my legs, I frown at him in confusion.

"Put your hands behind your back" oh I know what he's going to do, his face is lit up and exited like a little boy. But Christian wasn't a happy little boy. The thought leaves a bitter taste in my mouth and I dismiss it immediately, I don't want to sour Christian's good mood. I old my hands firmly behind my back as he takes my panties and ties them around my wrists, binding them together. My heart is thumping. Yes!

"Is this okay?" He asks, concerned.

"Yes Christian, it's fine, just make love to me!" He smirks at me. Oh my playful fifty is back!

"As you wish Mrs Grey, and does this bring back any memories?" He laughs, and before I can answer, he takes me.. making sweet sweet love to me.

As I lay in bed, freshly washed, I watch the floor show I front of me. As he slides on his pyjama bottoms I smile shyly at him.

"Christian.. Please don't make us go to Aspen, were safest here, with you, I don't want to be away from you, ever!" He climbs in beside me and wraps his arms around me, caressing my bump as he does.

"Okay, I didn't mean to worry you, goodnight baby" he whispers as he kisses my hair.

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