Under the doctor's order

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Ana's POV

Christian re enters the room just as Dr Greene and I are finishing up, shooting at me with all of the Do's and Don'ts.

"Like I said Mrs Grey, take it easy and I don't want you under any more stress. Since you won't take your maternity leave early I suggest that you take the next few days off work and spend that time relaxing" oh she really is over reacting, just like Christian.

"Mr Grey, I'm sure you'll take good care of her" she smiles at Christian. He nods.

"I sure will Dr Greene. And Thankyou again for coming at such short notice" he shakes her hand. We all walk downstairs so that Christian and I can see her out.

Christian turns to me as he closes the door. He looks down at me, he looks like he's age ten ears. My worried lost boy.

"Well, what did the doctor say?" He urges.

"Christian everything is fine, she just said I need to take it easy, my bloods were all fine too" he sighs, and I think it's through relief. He rests his forehead against mine and I close my eyes in contempt.

"Where's Ted?" I shift, Christian looks down at me, his bright grey eyes burning into me.

"Still with Mrs Taylor" he states, matter of factly.

"Okay I'll go and see to him" I smile sweetly up at my husband and kiss him delicately on the lips.

"Hey baby boy" Ted comes running into my arms as I make my way into the kitchen. Christian trailing behind me.

"mummy!" Ted squeals as I told him close to me. He sits awkwardly on my hip and tucks his head in between my neck and shoulder.

"How are you feeling Ana?" Mrs Jones questions whilst she stirs something in the pot on the stove.

"A lot better Thankyou Gail". I respond sweetly. I kiss Ted on his head and stroke him on his back. He smells lovely. Like soap, like my little boy. Christian makes his way to the fridge and pours himself a glass of wine. Oh how I miss wine.

"Dinner in fifteen minutes Mr Grey, Mrs Grey." She smiles.

"Sure, thanks Gail" Christian responds equally as sweet. He's a lot less brusque with his staff than he used to be. The thought makes me smile.

I place my little boy on the counter top by Christian and stand infront of him so he doesn't fall. He begins to fiddle with my necklace, and I can see in his little face that he is concentrating so hard.

"How are you feeling about tomorrow's baby shower? Are you sure you still want to go ahead? I can tell my mum to cancel if it's too much for you" Christian asks me softly. Cancel? When Grace went though so much trouble to organise it.

"Christian it will be fine. I'm looking forward to it. Besides, it will be nice to see everybody".

"If you're sure"he says. Wow, it doesn't seem five minutes since we first announced that we were pregnant with Ted, and now we're about to have our second baby. I smile as the memory comes flooding back to me.

Christian stands as all of our guests are gathered around the overly large round table, all of the Greys are here, Dr Flynn and his wife Rhian, Kate, Elliott, Claude, Ros and her partner, Ray, Mum, Bob, Josè, Josè Senior and Mia's two friends. He waits for silence, as he looks around at all of our guests. Grace's eyes are alight with excitement, and the love she has for her son reflects in her eyes.

"I just want to thank you all for coming tonight, and the reason we have asked you to join us this evening is because myself and Anastasia want to share with you our wonderful news. We are going to be parents". The only people who knew the news were Kate, Mum, Bob, Ray, Grace and Carrick.

There are general gasps of astonishment followed by around of applause. Grace stands up as Christian sits back down, grasping my hand. Grace holds up her glass toward the centre of the table

"To Christian and Ana" she announces.

"To Christian and Ana!" Everybody follows at once.

Me and Christian stands as by one we are being passed around the crowd. Mia runs up to us first, throwing her arms around me and Christian as she turns back to me and holds my hands.

"Oh I can't believe I am going to be an Auntie! Congratulations! When will your baby shower be! Ooh we can have it here!!" She jumps in excitement and moves on.

"Congratulations little lady" Elliott hugs me, and turns to Christian.

"Congratulations Bro! I can't wait to meet him or her" he pulls Christian into a hug and slaps him hard on the back. Christian hugs him back.

For the next five minutes we are being congratulated by the guests, conversations about nappies, crying and sleepless night soon arise. My heart swells as I hear Grace mutter to Christian:

"Oh Christian! I can't believe you're going to be a dad! I'm so proud of you! You'll make a wonderful father!" Feeling more contempt about the fact that Christian is more accepting of our baby.

I am pulled out of my flashback as Teddy puts his hand on my cheek.

"Mummy, duce please" he asks. Duce? Oh he means juice. My little man is getting so clever!

"I'll do that" Christian announces. Who would have thought- Christian Grey, domestic husband.

As I lay in bed with Christian, I feel as though something is bothering him. Anxiety and tension is radiating off of him. I turn in his arms to face him.

"Christian what's wrong?" I demand. He frowns at me as if he doesn't understand the question.

"Don't be so obtuse! I know something is bothering you so what is it?" I demand. He sighs.

"Nothing that should concern you Ana" he runs his hand through his hair, he must be stressed.

"Well whatever it is it does! You're my husband Christian! And I promised in front of God that I would bring you solace in times of need. So why do you always keep me in the dark?

"I called Elena" what! He called her! When he knows that I despise that woman! He called her! I cannot believe it.

"Well what did she say then?" I snap. Don't I sound like the jealous wife.

"She won't bother you again" he grunts. Although the fear and uncertainty remains pasted on his face. My mood softens and I just want to comfort him.

"Christian, you're not telling me everything, please!" I plead. Although I don't think he's going to shift on this.

"Ana I promised Dr Greene that I wouldn't put any more stress on you than needs be! I don't want you to worry! I love you!" My hear melt. Oh my fifty. I live you too. More than you know!

" I love you too Christian, but please just tell me, it's going to stress me out more if I'm in the dark about it. Please!" I beg one more time and just as I think he's about to shut me down, he surprises me. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes as if he's in pain as he holds me tightly.

"I think that whatever Elena wanted to speak to you for, was something to do with Hyde" he admits. And my whole world falls from under my feet. No! Please no!

This can't be happening.

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