Skeletons in the chest

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Authors note : IMPORTANT
Hi guys: this is the last note I am going to leave because I know how annoying my authors notes are, but apologies for the delay again, my fan account on Instagram was deleted once again, so for the last time I had to get my account up and running . I literally haven't slept all night (it's now 6am) as I wanted to finish this chapter for you guys so apologies if it's awful. Again, remember to check out the first chapter of my Novel 'snapped together' - it would mean a lot.

Ana's POV

The restaurant is airy and spacious. The relaxed atmosphere is ideal for a friendly dinner, which puts me at ease. José and I are sat in a booth, along the wall, the walls are a glorious plum colour, the kind of colour I'd like to have in my home. I hope that tonight will give me a break from all of the stress of the last few days. I really have missed José's company, I know I saw him at the baby shower, yet I wasn't able to have a proper catch up, due to all of the attention. As José returns from the bar, I gaze at him. He's wearing a white shirt, black jeans and smart shoes. He looks so sophisticated. Nothing like the José I knew at college.

"You did say iced water didn't you?" He asks.

"Yep, still" I reply sweetly with a giggle as he sits in front of me, placing the glass of iced water before me.

"So, what's going on with you and hotshot?" I frown at him, how does he know we're fighting?

"Because he's actually let you come out, with me" he adds laughing, obviously responding to my alarmed reaction.

"Erm yeah we're good, he volunteered to watch Ted, I couldn't pass on that opportunity" I respond laughing, hopefully not giving too much away.

"How is the little guy?"

"He's good, giving us the run around" I smile at the thought.

"Now now until baby number two comes along eh Ana, you know, it's still hard to believe that little Ana Steele is a mum" he grins broadly at me, like a proud brother. This is why I love him.

"Yeah, I mean, it still feels surreal sometimes. What about you ? Is there any women who have captured your heart yet?" I raise an eyebrow at him. He dips his head and trying to avoid eye contact with me. Oh this is new, so there is someone? Here is no way he's keeping this a secret from me!

"José Rodriguez! There is someone isn't there! Spill the details!" I tease, he blushes. I ha never seem José blush quote like this!

"Its early days yet and.. It's, complicated" he says, his expression, soft and sad. What's this all about?

"What do you mean it's complicated? Do you like her?"

"Yeah I do, really really like her Ana, and I know she likes me but.."

"But what?" I press him for a response. He sighs.

"But she's with somebody, Ana" oh my! I did not expect to hear this!

"Do I know her?

"Yeah, you do.. A little too well" he cringes. What? Kate?

"Well.." Who the hell could it be. He sighs once again.

"Mia" he grits his teeth. What! Mia? Oh my goodness! But what about Ethan? I gape at him, utterly shocked and stunned. Christian is not going to be happy about this!

"Mia! Mia? What? How?" I dart questions at him. He looks uncomfortable. Oh no you don't José! He takes a sharp intake of breath.

"A couple of months or so now, I was in a café and bumped into her, she seemed sad, we got talking about you, and then she said she wanted some photos doing, we exchanged numbers and went from there" he whispers, although he sounds ashamed, disappointed.

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