Boys and Their Toys

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I am warm and stuffy, the room is flooded with the evening lights of Seattle, peering through the window. I'm no longer in my husbands lap, but tucked up in bed. How did I get here? How long have I been asleep? I slide out of the comfort of the bed, as gracefully as I can, making my way to the bathroom. I need to pee. Again. And again. And again. This is something that I don't miss about being pregnant.

Leaving the bedroom, a glorious smell invades my nostrils. The sweet aroma is a welcome scent. Mrs Jones must have been busy this evening. It's around 8pm so Grace must be home already with Ted. As I pass his room in the hall, I pop my head around the door. He isn't in bed. That's odd. The door gently closes behind me as I stalk the trail towards the spaced kitchen. The kitchen is empty. Where is everybody?

The sound of clattering from the next room captures my attention. Entering the room, my eyes are transfixed on the beautiful sight of my husband. He's in his signature loose, linen shirt, and jeans. He looks heart stoppingly beautiful. As my eyes skim across the room, I am taken back by the decoration. There are three candles, equally spaced horizontally across the table. They're scented and the smell lights up my insides like fireworks. On top of the white throw, there are red and white petals, scattered accord the table space. It looks stunning. Did he do this? Before I turn my attention back to my husband, I spot the two placemats on the table. There's a plate of what looks like stir fry, also. My eyes dart back to Chrisitan.

"Gail?" I ask, confused.

"Christian" he corrects me, with a smug look on his face.

"What's all this for?" I can't hide my surprise and gratitude. I can't believe Christian has done this. My husband is so romantic.

"I've never cooked for you before, and after everything that's happened, I just want to make some time for us" he says sympathetically. Cooked? He cooked? Wow. This is very unlike Christian. I stroll over to him until I'm within reach of him, stroke his smooth face and kiss him lightly on the lips.

"Thankyou Christian, it's wonderful"

"Ana you don't need to keep thanking me" he sighs.

"I know. I just want you to know that I appreciate it"

"I know you do, shall we eat?" He asks. I discreetly sigh. It a,ways comes down to the food. But who am I to refuse his romantic gesture? I nod.

He pulls out my chair as I sit, pushing me in towards the table before vacating the seat adjacent to me. Idly I wonder if this is a guilt treat It's not like it would be the first time. Come to think of it, things have been quiet with Elena for the last few weeks. Although, I have a feeling in my gut that this isn't over still. Elena isn't going to let this go, neither is Hyde. I push the thought aside. I don't want to ruin this evening with my wayward thoughts. As I dig into my food, I decide to quiz him on his sudden knowledge of cooking.

"So who helped you cook? Incidentally, this is delicious" I add.

"Mum helped, but I did most of it myself, mum just guided me through it" he laughs.

"Really? That's so sweet of her. It was nice that you could spend some time with your mum" I mumble between mouthfuls.

"Yes. It was. I think we should do it more often"

"Yeah that would be nice. Maybe you cook get a few more cookery lessons it of it" I joke.

"Let's not push it" he giggles. It's a damn good job we have a house keeper, otherwise nobody would eat.

"Where's Theodore?" I question. Why isn't he in bed.

"He's with Gail. He isn't feeling too well he had a bit of a temperature" what? This is the first I know of him being ill. If he's feeling ill he will want his mummy. So I can make it all better.

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