Turning tables

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Christian's POV

Chapter 3

I lean back against the hard back of the sofa as Ana dozes in my arms. As I stroke her back with my free hand I attempt to relax and calm my heart rate from the piercing panic that has just consumed my body. Boy was that scary. I've only ever felt that's scared when- no Grey, don't go there, not now.

Glancing down at my beautiful sleeping goddess I take a moment to appreciate how beautiful she is. And how our boy is so lucky to resemble his mum so much. Although everybody thinks he looks like me, I can see Ana in him, maybe it's his cheeky personality and positive attitude to everything. Moving my hand from Ana's leg, I reach up and stroke her cheek with the back of my index finger. She stirs slightly. Her lips are slightly parted, her pale cheeks becoming more coloured again as she relaxes. She looks so serene and peaceful and I regret knowing that I am going to have to wake her in a few minutes for Dr Greene's arrival. Maybe a few more minutes won't hurt, and I'm sure the good doctor wouldn't object to her resting. Burying my nose in her hair I smell her sweet scent, I place my hand protectively over her ever growing bump. Suddenly beneath my hand I feel a soft moving sensation, followed by what feels like a kick. I smile fondly as my heart swells with love and pride. Ah, that's my girl. My two girls. What a strong, amazing wife I have. I really should tell her more how much I appreciate her for blessing me with our two beautiful children and giving me such a wonderful life. It kills me inside seeing her suffer how she just has, and to think that it's because Elena has stressed her out to that extent. If I could, I would take the pain away from her. But despite this, I can't thank her enough.

Looking at my watch reminds me that Dr Greene will be here any time soon. As much as I want her to stay cuddled up in my lap all day, I need to make sure that my wife and baby are safe. Dr Greene has been such a great help- probably due to the fortune I pay her to see to Ana but it's all worth it.

"Ana, baby." I shake her gently. She grunts and hides her face in my chest. My lips lift into a reluctant smile.

"Baby wake up, Dr Greene will be here any minute" I shift so she's forced to move her head, I kiss her eyelids, nose and plant a soft kiss on her lips. She opens her glorious blue eyes and smiles up at me. Oh how I love that sight.

"I'm sorry, didn't mean to fall asleep." Why is she apologising. I frown. After the ordeal she has just been through no wonder she's tired. Darkness and anger begins to flare in my gut. Fucking Elena! What the fuck does she think she was doing ringing Ana! I told her to leave her alone. I push the thought aside and resolve to confront Elena when I know everything is okay with the baby. Just on cue, Taylor appears at the entrance of the room and announces the doctors arrival. She follows Taylor into the living room. I shift Ana off my lap and stand to greet her.

"Mr Grey, Mrs Grey" she nods and holds out her hand, I shake it as Ana stands beside me and follows. I show Dr Greene to the bedroom so she can see to Ana in peace. I don't want Ted to walk in whilst Ana's with the doctor otherwise he will panic. And there it is again, the darkness that I felt in my formative years coming back to haunt me as I see my innocence and fear reflected in my son.

"Ana could I just start by taking your blood pressure" she says as Ana perches on the end of the bed. Ana nods as she begins to take the essential equipment out of her bag. Ana looks worried. No baby, don't be worried, everything will be just fine.

"Mr Grey, could you give us some space?" Her question takes me by surprise. Space? She wants me to leave? What the fuck. I'm not going anywhere, this is my wife and baby and I am not going to leave her alone. I scowl at her. Don't back down, Grey.

"Mr Grey." She looks pointedly at me and her tone is sterner now.

"Christian go, it's fine, I'll be down soon" Ana interrupts before I can open my mouth to say something. Oh Ana, Ana, Ana, you are as ever challenging.

"As you wish, Mrs Grey, you have fifteen minutes" I mutter. I turn on my heel and head for my study.

When I reach my study I power up the mean machine to check my emails, I had to leave work so suddenly that I know I've missed out on a bucket load of meetings. Opening up my email I see there's an email from Ros, Andrea and Barney. To my surprise there's one from Elena. What!

From: Elena Lincoln

Subject: Water under the bridge

Date: 19th May 2014. 15:16

To: Christian Grey


Don't you think it's time your wife gets over this pathetic grudge against me.

I and you had a long standing affair, and she needs to understand that it's part of your past.

I do not appreciate being spoken to in the manner she has just spoken to me, today.

And as for you, since when have you completely disregarded me as a friend Christian?

I expected better from you.



For the beauty that is you.

What the fuck! My scalp prickles. Where has this come from? I haven't spoken to her in what.. Two years! And why is she all of a sudden so eager to meet up with Ana. I don't want her anywhere near my Ana. Or my children. My son. What I once found as a pleasing past time now disturbs me. And only since we have had Ted, it has made me think, that everything that happened with Elena makes me feel sick, and disturbed. My anger is palpable. I attempt to contain it by counting to ten but frankly, I am far far beyond mad. This warrants a reply over the phone.

Pressing the call button I await for her answer. She picks the phone up on the second ring.

"Christian?" She sounds surprised but smug at the same time.

"Elena! What are you thinking calling Ana! Have I not told you time and time again to leave her alone! We're done. Finished. Keep her out of our fucked up past she doesn't need to be burdened with it." I shout down the phone. A ping of guild rises through me but I don't care. She is out of line.

"Christian with all due respect, I was more than polite to her, it's her ill manners and rude response that made this bigger than it has to be!" She scolds down the phone. Bigger than what has to be?

"That is no reason to call and harass my pregnant wife! She doesn't need this! What's so important that you can't tell me! What does it have to do with Ana! I mean it Elena! Leave. Her. Alone. I won't tell you again!" She sounds a little shocked and wounded, if I'm right. Good.

"Oh stop this! Why is she over reacting!?" Over reacting! Over. Reacting?

"I wouldn't call Ana almost going into early labour due to being overly stressed an over reaction would you!? Overly stressed because of you Elena! This is the last time I'll tell you. Stay away from my wife!"

"Christian- I- I"

"I don't want to hear it Elena! Goodbye!" And I put the phone down on her. Throwing it onto my desk as I run my hands through my hair. Attempting to relieve some of the tension built up inside me.

Calm it Grey, calm it.

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