Practice pains

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I pace furiously up and down Christian's study. Where is he? Taylor left to pick him up around thirty minutes who so he should be back soon. The thought crosses my mind, I'm probably just overreacting. Recalling the last few months of history with Elena refuels my anger. No. I am not overreacting. I want her gone. Gone and out of mine, my husband's and children's lives. There's too much water under the bridge. I begin to feel light headed and nauseous. A rage of panic sears through me as I feel a stabbing pain in my lower abdomen. It feels like contractions, only not so painful. What the hell is happening to me.

Suddenly all the animosity and resentment I am feeling subside, and they're replaced with something much more terrifying. Fear and hysteria. I just want my husband. I don't care about Elena. I don't care about the phone call.

I cry out as I cup my belly. Inhaling through my nose and exhaling via my mouth slowly, as I learnt in my childbirth classes. I tell myself over and over in my head 'it's just brax and hicks' hoping that the pain will subside soon. Deep down I know that I'm right, Dr Greene warned me about these. Apparently 'brax and hicks' are the contractions you often get a few months before you deliver in order to prepare your body for pregnancy. Despite this, fear still stalks me, knowing that my baby boy almost didn't make it. The horror of that pregnancy taunts me as I worry for my daughters safety.

As I lean myself forward and rest my arms and head on the desk, still standing. Christian enters, holding Ted in his arms. As he enters he is scowling, his face turns to one of trepidation when he sees me. He darts over to the desk where I stand, places our son on the leather chair and grabs hold of me.

"Christ! Ana what's wrong baby? What is it? Is the baby coming?" He darts servers like questions at me and I can tell by the tone of his voice that concerned.

"No I think it's just practice contractions." I cry out, gripping the desk as my body protests. Christian is rubbing my back, it's actually very soothing. Teddy comes up running to my side.

"Mummy, mummy what wrong?" He asks, tears filling his eyes. Oh no baby mummy's fine.

"Baby I'm fine, mummy just has tummy ache" I find the strength to lift my hand and run it though his hair. His crying does not stop and I know he's afraid. He doesn't know what's going on. My hearts constricts. It gives me more on an insight to how Christian must have felt as a child. As my heart rate rises I get another contraction, sweat dripping from my face.

"GAIL!" Christian calls. Mrs Taylor is with us in second, she stops at the door. Stunned and worried.

"Mr Grey is everything okay?" She whispers.

"Mrs Taylor, please just take Ted out of the way, I don't want him to see this, could you also get Dr Greene on the line". She enters the room and sweeps Ted into her arms as he clings to my side, crying.

Within seconds Taylor is back in the room with Dr Greene on the line. Mr G- Grey, Dr Greene is on the line" even Taylor looks lost, he doesn't know what to do.

"Thankyou Taylor" Christian says.

"Sir, can I do anything?" He looks out of place and anxious.

"No, not at the moment, thankyou" he calls as Taylor leaves the room quickly.

"Breathe baby, breathe". Christian tries to soothe me. The pain has subsided slightly now and my breathing becomes more steady. I zone out of Christian's conversation with Dr Greene, appreciating the fact that my body is relaxing.

"Right Ana, we're gonna move now okay, go to somewhere more comfortable, is that okay?" He asks gently. I nod my head. The contractions are slowing and they're less intense now. Christian calls Taylor and he's back at my side within minutes.

"Can you help me move Ana to the living room please Taylor?" Taylor nods politely, moves to the left of me and hooks his hand under my arm. Christian moves to my right, holding the phone between his shoulder and his ear as he uses his hands to hook under my right arm.

"Can you stand?" Christian asks. I nod my head again as I don't have the energy to speak.

Steadily I stand up as my arms are supported by Christian and Taylor. My whole body feels spent and weak, and I am grateful for the fact that they're holding onto me.

"Where's Ted?" Christian inquires.

"He's in he garden with Gail, Sir" Christian nods in acknowledgement.

As we reach the long, stretched, suede grey sofa I place my hand protectively over my belly as Taylor and Christian seat me down. Releasing me Christian dismisses Taylor.

"Thankyou Taylor" I mutter, breathlessly. He nods and retrieves from the room as Christian continues his conversation with Dr Greene.

"Okay, yes, right away. Thankyou again. I'll see you shortly" Christian puts the phone down.

"Dr Greene is on her way, she will be here shortly" I scowl at him. I'm fine now. I told him it was just practice contractions but as ever he over reacts. I bet that poor woman is sick of the sight of me and my overprotective, megalomaniac husband.

"Ana this is what I mean. You can't work yourself up like this. Dr Greene thinks that it may have been stress that brought this on. I told you not to worry about Elena but as ever, you disobey me, putting yourself and blip at risk." He lets out a sigh of relief, tension radiating from him. I feel a pang of guilt. I shouldn't have got so angry. I shouldn't have let her get to me. My poor blip.

"Christian I'm sorry she just- I"

"-don't talk about her. I don't want you to stress over this Ana. Believe me. I'll sort it. But for now you just need to try and relax. You really did scare me for a moment then." He sits beside me on the sofa, stroking my hair as I lean against his chest, and fall into a relaxing sleep.

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