Daddy day care

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Hi guys, just a quick note, if you followed me on my old Instagram you won't be able to find me as I was deleted (hence the short & awful chapter, as I had to get back up and running), my new name on there is @shadesoflatersbaby.

Also, check out the first chapter of my own novel 'snapped together' and let me know what you think ! Thankyou all for your support :) x |
Spoiler: no, Christian is not cheating on Ana :)

I slowly turn my my body towards the eerie voice echoing around the room. My grip on the leather chest loosens as it slams back down with a thud. Bright blue eyes pin me in my spot. Don't back down now Ana. Stand your ground.

"I'm sure you have, I just came home to collect some paperwork, I wondered why the office had been occupied considering Christian hasn't been using it" I say sarcastically, obviously the she-devil has been using it.

"Yes. That chest is mine" she snarls.

"I gathered that when I opened it and looked at the contents inside" I snap. She laughs, although it's forced. This woman makes my blood boil, and I genuinely don't know how I've stayed calm for this brief encounter. I take a moment to look at her, she looks different. Her posture is slightly slanted to the side, I guess that's from where she was shot in the groin. In her right hand she holds a crutch, as much as I hate Hyde, he should have shot the bitch in both legs, so she couldn't walk at all. She doesn't look as bad as I would have expected, her hair is still perfectly done, and she has a face full of makeup. The silence between us is unbearable, tension growing with every second.

"Could you give me a minute, I have some documents that I need to sort out" I say to her, my tone is deathly and cold. Although I have no idea why I am asking permission in my own damn house. She pouts at me, before she turns and hops out of the room.

I flop myself down into Christian's chair and rest my head back. I still can't believe what I saw in that chest. Why would she have that.. Here? I am bewildered. Despite Elena's confrontation, I need to get myself back to work. I push the unwelcome image to the side of my head.

I spend the next 10 minutes printing off spreadsheets (that I already have copies of at work), but I need to leave with something, otherwise this visit just looks suspicious. I know that Christian will hit the roof when he finds out that I've been here today, I just hope that I can talk my way out of this one. I still don't understand why she had that chest. And why she would need the contents that are in it. Maybe this had something to do with Christian?

As sawyer drives us back to Grey publishing, my thoughts wander,into deep, dark places. Places that I'd rather not visit on a Monday afternoon. My phone pings, bringing me back to reality. It's a reminder. I have dinner with José tonight, I was suppose to have dinner with him yesterday evening,although he couldn't make it. Christian wasn't best pleased about today's arrangement but he can't really object, considering his ex mistress is staying in our home.

The remainder of the day is dragged down by disturbing memories of Elena's collection. I feel physically sick, although that is probably something to do with the fact that I'm almost eight months pregnant. Being pregnant, stressed and restless is tiring. I just can't wait until my little princess is here, in my arms. Alongside my baby boy. But I just want everything to go back to normal, how it was before all of this drama. Things have got better since me and Christian spoke about Elena, but they're just not how they were. I can't help but feeling like something is eating him. I'm worried that I'm the reason. Maybe I'm stressing him out? I'm putting too much pressure on him, yet he's trying.

When I get home at 4:20 Christian and Ted are already home. They're both in the great room, playing with the train set that Christian had built Ted for his birthday. What a beautiful sight. He seems calm, and relaxed, like himself.

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