Painting new memories

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Chapter 8

July 10th 2014

I wave farewell to Hannah in the office as I make my way to the car waiting outside for me. Tomorrow is my last day at work before the baby comes, in a month or so. I had hoped to have worked as close to my due date as possible, but Christian put his foot down. He really does overreact sometimes. Things have been going really well lately. We're back at home and I'm more in love with Christian than I have ever been. We have managed to put all of the Elena drama behind us, although I feel like it's just been swept under the rug.

As I approach the car, Sawyer opens my door and rides shotgun, Taylor is driving. Idly I wonder if I'll ever be able to drive to work alone. It must be boring for them, sitting around looking suspicious all day. I know there's things that I'd rather be doing. Luckily, I've got used to the company, I had no choice but to accept all of the baggage that came with Christian. Come to think of it, it's a humbling feeling knowing that my children will always have protection. Being the heirs of somebody so successful and wealthy, I guess that it will be a wise precaution.

It's Christian's birthday in eight days, he's going to be 31, yet he doesn't look a day over 25. But he'll always be my hot, megalomaniac husband. Even when when he's old and grey.

When I arrive home, Christian is with Dr Flynn, so I have a few hours to myself, with Ted. Maybe it's time to hatch a master plan for Christians birthday present. What do you buy a man who has everything but a dolphin in the kitchen sink? Christian is very sentimental so maybe something a little more personal will mean more to him. I have the perfect idea! I'll get Ted to draw Christian a picture, and I'll get it printed on to something. That way, it's permanent and it comes from the heart. That will be a perfect present from Theodore to his dad.

I go and fetch a white wipeable sheet and splay it across the dining room table. I prepare the workspace with various tubs of paint and several sheets of A3 paper, along with pencils and crayons. I have a feeling that I may regret this. Gail strolls gracefully in the room with Theodore, and she's changed him into some of his old pyjamas. She really is a great help, I don't know what I'd do without her!

"Thanks for doing this Gail, it really is a big help" I smile as she places Ted on the Chair.

"Ana you don't need to thank me, it's my job to help out, and I can't wait to see what it looks like, Mr Grey is going to be thrilled" she says excitedly.

"Yes let's hope so!" I giggle as she heads out of the room.

"Right baby boy, do you want to do a picture for daddy?" I ask. He nods enthusiastically.

"But you can't tell him because it's a surprise okay?" I whisper.

"Okay mommy!" He shines his beautiful bright eyes at me, and I fall in love with him all over again.

"Right, what do you want to use for your picture? You can use the pencils, crayons or paint?" I say as I point to each.

"Paint!" He squeals at me. Oh, of course he would chose the messiest option. That's my baby.

"Okay, but I want you to be careful okay" I instinct and he nods.

I carefully pour the paints onto the tray in front of him and hand him the paintbrush. As he looks down at the colourful liquids before him, his expression is one of confusion. Doesn't he remember how to use paints? I think to myself. I sit my self beside him and place my hand over his, guiding it towards the water and then the paint. I delicately use his hand to dip it into the paint and continue to guide it towards the paper.

"Like this, baby" I say enthusiastically.

I press down slightly on the paper and direct it from the top to the bottom of the page. His face lights up with anticipation.

"Can you do it by yourself now?"

"Yes I do it, I big boy mommy like daddy, big boy" he mutters quickly. He really does admire his father, they do have a beautiful bond.

"Yes, of course you can" I giggle. Being in his presence is magical. He's such a beautiful loving soul.

The hours fly by, and I barely realise due to amount of fun that we're having. Teddy will be staying at home with me for two days a week whilst I'm on maternity leave so that I can spend time with him. That is something I really am thrilled about. Hopefully, Christian will take some leave off work too. I want him to have that time to bond with his daughter, so that we can all get used to being a bigger family. I hope that Ted bonds with Phoebe well, I don't want him to feel left out or ignored.

As me and Theodre clear up the door squeaks. Luckily me and Teddy have already moved the pictures and the paint so he shouldn't get too many ideas about what we've been up to.

"Oh here you are!" He expresses as he goes to walk into the door. As he just passes the threshold of the room, Ted runs up to him, pushing his lets attempting to force him back out. Christian holds his hands up, In a defensive gesture.

"Daddy, out no we did you a present you can't see get out" he shouts and I smile down at him. Oh Theodore Raymond Grey!

"Oh really? So that's what you've been up to" he says as he wears his shy smile. God, I love shy Christian.

"Teddy, why don't you take daddy out and I'll finish cleaning here?" I say.

"Okay mummy" Ted says as Christian picks him up, Teddy covers Christian's eyes with his hand as he leaves the room. I faintly heading Teddy telling Christian that he isn't allowed in the room. It lights up my heart.

As I'm gathering the sheet into a ball the phone rings, startling me. I glance at the caller ID. It's Grace.

"Grace, hello!" I say politely as I answer the phone.

"Ana, darling! How are you?"

"I'm fine, uncomfortable though!" I say honestly.

"That's understandable at this stage of the pregnancy. Are you and Christian all prepared for her arrival?" She quizzes.

"Erm, yeah, Christian's had the bag ready for weeks now, we have a date for me to be induced too, 14th August."

"I'm sure he has! That's soon! How are you feeling about having an elective caesarean?" She asks sympathetically. She knows I wanted to push her out myself, but Christian as always refused to let me.

"I'd still rather have a natural birth but if it puts Christian's mind at ease then a caesarean it will be" I giggle.

"Oh Ana! I can't wait to meet my little granddaughter!"

"Me too! I just want her to be here, now." I moan.

"Yes well she will be with you very soon darling, how's my favourite little grandson?" I roll ,y thought in amusement, he's her only Grandson.

"Yeah he's fine, he's just painted a picture for Christian for his birthday present, I think he's more exited than his dad!" I giggle.

"Why doesn't that surprise me? Give him kisses from nanny will you, Ana? And speaking of Christians birthday, we're having everybody round for dinner. You know, the works. He works too hard he deserves a break"

"Yeah he does! And will be doing it on Monday, on his actual birthday?"

"Yes, is Monday okay? Have you made plans already? If you have don't worry we can do it another day it's no trouble"

"Oh no, it's just so I can have an excuse to drag him out of work early" I chuckle.

"Yes, tell me about it! Right Ana I'll let you go, darling, give Teddy a kiss from me and take care, I'll see you on Monday"

"I will, take care, Grace. Goodbye!" I hang up. I wonder how Christian is going to feel about this get together, considering the last time he had a birthday party, Grace discovered the affair that Christian and Elena were having. Well, we're about to find out.

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