Morning Glory

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Friday 15th June 2014.

My eyelashes flutter open, I am greeted with the sight of my beautiful little boy beaming at me, full of smiles, his eyes glistening in the morning sunlight.

Tentatively, I stroke his cheek, I feel the smoothness and warmth of his skin beneath my fingers.

"Good morning baby boy" I say, kissing his fingers as he reaches for my face.

"Morni' mommy" he replies enthusiastically.

As I look over Theodore, I notice that Christian isn't in bed. He must be up already. It's only 6:42, then again Christian has never been one to sleep in.

"Did you have a nice sleep baby?" I ask softly and he nods, sitting up, shifting uncomfortably. It looks like someone has filled his diaper. He's been doing so well with his potty training. He only wears diapers when we're out for long periods of time and during the night. I am so proud of him. The bathroom door creaks open as Christian enters the bedroom, freshly showered and looking like his glorious self, I shift up, ready to change Theodore.

"Don't worry, I'll do that" Christian mutters, lifting Theodore off of the bed. He carries him gracefully towards the conveniently placed baby changer, as he lays him down on the mat, he sprinkles dozens of little kisses all over his dainty face. Ted giggles with delight in response to his dad's affection. I am in awe of my husband. He takes such a hand on approach to parenting. He's nothing like the man he was a few weeks ago. I'm glad we're past that. Things have now been better than ever.

I watch him as he methodically removes the diaper, un phased by it's contents. This is something that I'd never see Christian Grey do. But he was always determined to be a hands on dad. Frankly it's made my life a lot easier.

"What is he wearing?" Christian calls over to me.

"I'll get him dressed. Don't you have to work today?" I ask. Christian hasn't really been into work much lately and I know that he's internally stressing. He doesn't need to watch me all of the time. He worries far too much.

"I can work from home" he mutters. Oh my fifty. Will you ever listen?

"Christian, you haven't had a proper days work for weeks I know how much you stress. You can go in, it's fine, I'll manage here with Gail and Theodore" I express. There really is no point in both being at home. I stand up and walk towards, him, closing the space between us. He smells like soap, aftershave and...Christian. My Christian. It's a pleasant scent to wake up to. As he places Theodore onto his hip, he pulls me into his embrace,missing my forehead. He sighs.

"Fine. I'll go in this afternoon. You know that I worry Ana" he whispers. Well, I suppose that's the best I can do. Going in for the afternoon is better than nothing.

"Fine" I give in. Plus, I do love having him around.

"Well, we could make the most of the rest of the morning. And the way I'm feeling, we won't need long" he smiles seductively. He wants sex, now? What happened to 'I'm-not-going-to-touch-you-in case-you-break' Christian. I turn red, I can't believe he just said that in front of our son too.

"Go lay on the bed" he whispers in my ear and heads towards the door. As he, leaves, I hear Ted mutter to his dad

"Why mommy bed daddy"

"Mummy is going back to sleep for a short while" I hear him reply as his voice faces away. I'm grin at the thought. My fifty has no shame. I clamber as quickly as I can into the bed, the weight of my baby slowing me down slightly. As I lay on the bed, I peer my head up and admire the silhouette of my baby bump as Phoebe somersaults inside me, sending tingles right through me. She's very active, more so than Theodore was. Feeling her move inside me is so magical, alerting me that my daughter is alive and well. Christian is smitten with her already, I can't imagine how he will be when she's actually here. I imagine that his paternal instincts will be a lot more intense with his daughter. I begin to feel a twinge of guilt. My poor daughter will never have her own privacy, with an older brother, and a far too overprotective father. It was hard enough for me growing up with Ray, but Christian is 10 times more overprotective. Christian interrupts my thoughts as he strolls back into the room.

"Gail is giving Ted breakfast, so we have around 45 minutes" he says seductively, climbing onto the bed beside me. He spreads his fingers across my bump, which has become a frequent habit recently. As he caresses my belly, his hand gradually goes lower and lower until he reaches my sweet spot, teasing me.

As I wash off the evidence of this-mornings antics in the shower, there is a bright, happy smile on my face. Christian is in such a playful mood this morning. When he's in this mood, it's impossible to resist him. He's still too gentle in bed, but I guess that's just him being over cautious. This was just what I needed this morning.

Maybe I should surprise Christian later. We'll see.

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