A Mother's Gift

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Chapter 9

Christian's POV:

Ana's hair is soft and silky against my hand, as I twist my fingers gently in her hair, massaging her scalp as I go. She's so still, apart from the slight lift of her shoulders with each breath she takes. My wife really is a beautiful sight. I could just sit here for hours, watching her sleep, just like the first night I ever slept with her. With anyone. The thought makes me smile with pride. Now she's mine, all mine and I couldn't be happier. Even after everything that we've been through we are still here, she hasn't walked. She's so strong and so brave. What did I do to deserve such a prize?

I feel heat radiating from her body as her breaths skim across my neck where she has her head tucked. She's been sleep for around thirty minutes, I'm afraid to move incase I disturb her, and she hasn't been sleeping properly. She needs her rest. I place my hand on her belly again as I shift slightly, making myself more comfortable. A wriggling sensation comes from beneath my hand. I splay my hand wider, in attempt to feel my daughter's movement once more. It's hard to believe. There's another little Ana in here. My little girl, just like her mom. I really am so lucky. I can't wait for Ted to meet her. He's going to love her. I remember when I first met Mia as a baby, I couldn't have been happier. That role of a big brother is so thrilling, knowing that there is another little person depending on you. Not that she appreciates it anymore. The thought leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. She will never listen to me about that prick. I push the thought aside, I do not want to think about that now.

I know Ana is so exited to have a daughter. Being able to dress her up, in pretty little outfits is something I know that she can't wait for. Like mother like daughter. I guess my role is keeping the boys away when she's old enough for a boyfriend. Maybe I will take up Taylor's offer to learn how to shoot, it could come in handy with these future admirers. Either that or every male in ten yards of her will have to have a security check.

I hear the door slam open in the distance and little footsteps echoing in the hall. Ted must be home. My mother gracefully walks into the lounge with Theodore now in her arms. She eases slowly into my room as I put my finger on my lips, silencing them. Grace places Teddy on the floor as he tiptoes towards Ana and I, he kisses Ana's bump before climbing onto the couch beside me, snuggling into my side. My hand is now wrapped around him. The most important people in my life are in my arms right now. I can't describe the feeling. It's...special. I glance up at my dear mother. She's smiling in awe and I can see the price in her eyes. She it's on the couch in front.

"How was he?" I ask.

"He was a joy to have, as always" she says enthusiastically. They have great bond.

"How is she?" She asks, nodding towards Ana.

"Erm, she's not really been sleeping, I think she just wants her to be here now" I mutter apologetically.

"That's understandable though. How are you felling?"

"Fine. Exited"

"Oh darling yes of course" she smiles.

"Have you got much sleep?" She probes before I have time to reply.

"Mum, I'm okay, I function on a lot less sleep than Ana does, and I'm not the one carrying a baby" I explain. I do not want a lecture from my mother. Ted shifts beside me once more, resting his head into my side. He must be tired too.

"Christian you need to be looking after yourself too, if you're both exhausted it's not going to do either of you any good"

"Mom I'm good, honest"

"I could take Ted back home with me tonight if you'd like that? You could both get some rest, relax" she offers.

"Thankyou for the offer mom but it's fine. Ted sleeps through the night anyway so it's not a problem" I reply politely.

"Well if there's anything that I can do" hm is there anything she can do. Maybe I should do something nice for Ana. I have the perfect idea.

"Well there is something that you could do" I smile at her. Her eyes light up, she isn't used to me asking for favours.

"What? Anything."

"You could help me cook dinner, for Ana. I've never done it before and I'm not sure where to start" I mutter apologetically. She seems shocked and stunned by my expression. Her face is frozen with her eyebrows raised.

"That's if you're not busy" I add quickly. I don't want to force the poor woman to stay.

"Ofcourse I don't mind, and no I'm not busy. That's so lovely Christian"

"Okay, sure, we'll get started soon. I'm just going to take Ana up, Teddy, I'm just taking mommy to bed then do you want to help me and grandma cook?" I direct my attention to my son. He shifts off of me and nods enthusiastically.

I pull back the blanket and gently place her onto the bed. The duvet is soft and warm. I wrap it around her, tucking her in as I go. I take another minute to look at my beautiful sleeping goddess. She looks so beautiful. It's hard to drag myself away from her. Although I'm sure she will love the surprise.

When I arrive back downstairs, Grace is in the kitchen. Shes removed her jacket, rolled up her sleeves and has Ted sitting on the kitchen side in front of her. In a few long strides I'm standing beside them. Holding my hands out, Ted leans himself into my embrace. I pick him up, holding him to me.

"Did you have a good time with grandma and grandad?" I ask.

"Yes we play and, and, made cake" he says excitedly.

"Oh wow! Did you save me any?"

"No we ate-ed them all" I giggle at his speech. He's coming along so quickly. He's not a baby anymore, he's a little boy. It's crazy that he's been here for two years.

"Right, what are we cooking?" Grace asks. I have the perfect idea. I'll do a stir fry. The first normal, proper dinner than Ana cooked for me, as a proper couple. We haven't eaten that for years.

"Stir fry" I say, attempting to hide my ironic smile.

Mum spends the next fifteen minutes, showing me how to properly chop the vegetables. This is something I should have learnt at a younger age. Although I am grateful for the help. Ted is with Gail, she's helping me out by getting him ready for bed, as she doesn't have to cook tonight. I never appreciated time like this with my mother, until I became a dad myself. I wish I had done it sooner. Times like this are so precious, I'd like to spend more time with Carrick, but he works a lot.

"Don't put the heat too high otherwise it will burn" she instructs, turning the stove down as I toss the contents of the pan. Wow, this is easier than I thought it was. This is my first cooked meal.

Mother takes out plates and place-mats and plates. She sets up the table, decorating it with flower petals and candles. She's gone all out. The dining table looks very romantic, if I must say so myself. She really has been a great help this evening. I am taken back by how much my mom means to me. I have throughly enjoyed this mother - son time. I think she's enjoyed it too.


"Yes son?" She turns to face me.

"Thankyou, not just for this, for everything" I give her a lopsided smile. Her eyes well up, but I can tell she's holding back the tears.

"Oh son, you don't have to thank me, come here, I love you, son" she says as she pulls me into her embrace. I hold her back, inhaling her welcoming scent and appreciating the fact that we're sharing this moment.

"I love you too, mom" .

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