Baby shower

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We pull up outside the Grey's mansion. It's lit with pink lights that illuminate the drive away. It looks so stunningly beautiful. The serene peaceful night air creates a relaxed atmosphere. Christian turns off the ignition and turns to me.

"Are you ready to celebrate our baby girl?"

"Ready as I'll ever be" I giggle.

I am dressed in a floaty white gown,which rests perfectly over my petite bump. My hair is wavy and sits in line with my breasts. Christian is dressed in his signature white linen shirt, and a grey suit, no tie. He looks stunningly beautiful. Even Ted is dressed for the occasion. He looks absolutely adorable. He is wearing sharp black jeans, and a white linen shirt. Like Christian. His hair is wavy and floppy and sits just at the top of his forehead. He scrubs up well. Although I have no idea how long that will last before he gets food all down him.

"Christian! Ana! Hello!" Carrick opens before we have the chance to knock, he pulls Christian into a hug and pats him on the back and then pulls me into a gentle hug.

"Teddy! How is my boy? Have you got a cuddle for grandad?" He says, as Christian passes Ted to Carrick. Within seconds Grace comes bouncing to the threshold where we are standing.

"Oh Ana dear you look lovely!" She pulls me into a hug.

"Christian! Hi darling" she says as she kisses him on the cheek and he wraps her in his arms. To think, this time three years ago, he never would let anybody touch him. And now his family are able to show him all of the love and affection that they were once unable to show him as a child. The thought makes me smile. What once haunted him as youngster is now only a distant memory.

Entering the large dining room all of the air leaves my body. I can't believe it. I never expected this. The room has been completely transformed. Scattered across the whole room are helium balloons, pink, white and silver. Across the large wall at the back of the room there is a banner that takes up the entire space. It's white linen with 'it's a girl' written across it in large pink font, underneath it says 'congratulations Christian and Anastasia' in a smaller silver font. Wow! White drapes cover the area of the room on each wall, at the back of the room with the banner there is a huge round table, with a pink and white laced tablecloth, piles of gifts mounted on top, gorgeously wrapped. The best surprise of all is the group of guests standing in the centre of the room. I can't believe it. Even mum and Bob have flew down. She said she couldn't make it. What a fantastic surprise. Christian wraps his arm around me, and I realise I've been standing here open mouthed and gaping at the room for minutes. I mean, I knew Grace would go all out, she did with Ted but she always exceeds expectations.

The first to come bounding up to me is Kate. She looks enticingly beautiful. Shes in a mauve floor length gown, and she's wearing silver accessories. The colour of the dress compliments her stunning eyes.

"Ana you look beautiful! I can't wait to see the gift we got for you" she sounds incredibly excited and I know instantly that so much love and thought would have gone into it.

I spend the next 10 minutes being passed around all of the guests, between me and Christian, we have a lot of friends and family. You never realise how many you have until they're all under one room. I'm standing by the dining table with Mia, although I can't help but wonder what Christian and Flynn are talking about.

"So.. Have you and Christian come up with any names yet?" She jumps on the spot and claps her hand.

"Erm we do have a name, although Christian wants us to wait until later to announce it" I roll my eyes and she giggles. I like Mia. We both have to endure megalomaniac control freak Christian, she's just about the only person who understands. The poor girl has lived with it her whole life.

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