Like father like son

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Slipping on my flat pumps I make my way to the car where Christian is strapping Teddy in his car seat at the back of the vehicle. He definitely takes after his dad for his love of cars, my boys, two peas in a pod. Christian walks over to the passenger side and opens my door for me, holding me below the arm to stop me from tripping as I cup my belly. As I belt myself and in I feel little flutters inside me, looks like my baby has woken up. It's so strange, I still find it hard to believe that there is a little baby in there, a little human. Life is such a beautiful thing really.

Christian climbs in beside me and the engine roars, he pulls out of the driveway and sets his way to drop me off at work.

"Don't forget we have an appointment with Dr Greene this evening, baby". He states matter of factly.

"Christian you do know you're wasting your money on nothing, I'm fine, I don't need to see Dr Greene so you really don't need to spend a ridiculous amount of money to get her to see to me out of her working hours". I snap. He worries far too much.

"Ana! You've been sick nonstop for the last week, you're suppose to be putting weight on right now and you're losing it! You can't be too careful!" I scowl at him. I hate it when he does this. Makes me feel like an errant child.

Suddenly Ted bursts out singing from the back seat. My bad mood shifts instantly. I turn around and look at him as he dazzles at me. He continues his 'lalala' tune as we pull up outside SIP, I mean, Grey Publishing -recently renamed. Taylor pulls up beside us as Sawyer leaps out of the car to open my door. I lean over and kiss Christian swiftly on his lips.

"Laters,baby" he says, and still till this day it makes me giggle. It's so un-fifty.

"Dr Greene, later, remember, I'll pick you up from work at 5:30". He adds.

"Yes, Christian, laters".

I walk around the car to Ted's side as Christian opens Ted's window electronically from a button on his door. I pop my head in the window and kiss my baby boy on his lusciously chubby cheek.

"Bye bye baby boy, mummy will see you later". He shifts out of my hold, he's more interested in the task at hand- trying to escape from his car seat. It's a good job that Christian insisted on the childproof buckle. I say goodbye to Christian once again and make my way into the building, Sawyer at my side carrying my briefcase. I turn at the doors to wave once more as my husband drives into the distance.

Christian has had a nursery built on the first floor of Grey house, where Ted and the staff's children are cared for by the most exemplary nanny's. Of course, Christian would only hire the best for our baby boy. I think it makes him feel more comfortable, having him so close by. He also insists at Taylor patrols the nursery at all times- I think that everything that happened with Jack still haunts him, hence his over-protective nature.

I sit down at my desk as Hannah knocks on my office door.

"Come in Hannah" I reply, warmly.

"Ana hi! How are you feeling? How was Ted's party?" She probes.

"I'm feeling a lot better and it was lovely, thankyou".

We spend the next ten minutes catching up on the latest office gossip and she tells me all about her recent weekend in Hawaii with her new fiancé Mark. He's actually very handsome, they're very well suited.

"I'll get the letter written up and copied now Ana, I'll let you know when they're done".

"Okay thankyou!" I smile at her as she leaves.

I spend the rest of the morning in a meeting, with all the department heads. It's very dull and boring, as I get back to my office I decide to email Christian. Just as I switch on my machine my email pings and its him. Hm I wonder what he wants.

From: Christian Grey

Subject: Like mother Like Son

Date: 19th May 2014. 14:26

To: Anastasia Grey

So god help me.. I do hope you've eaten.

I have just had a very amusing conversation with our little boy, who just told me to 'chill out dad, you worry too much' when I went to check on him.

I do wonder who he's picked this up from. Although he did make me giggle, what a pleasant start to the afternoon.

I'll pick you up at 5:30.

Laters baby. X

Christian Grey.

Amused father and CEO, Grey Enterprise Holdings, Inc.

Oh I love email banter with Christian. Especially when he's playful. It brightens up my mood immensely and I type a quick email back.

From: Anastasia Grey

Subject: Like Father like Son <--- please note title

Date: 19th May 2014. 14:29

To: Christian Grey

Well, Mr Grey, he had to inherit something from me considering he's inherited all of his good looks and charm from you.

Give him a kiss from me.

Yes. I have eaten. I had a chicken caesar salad at lunch time and a banana. Ted's right. You do worry too much.

I love you.

Your Ana x

Ana Grey, CEO, Grey Publishing.

Chapter 2

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