Out of the chest

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Chapter 7

I am jolted awake by the 6:00 alarm, the beeping sound piercing my skull. Today's the day, phase one of catching Elena in the act begins. Since Christian is letting me return to work, it's the perfect decoy. Proving fifty wrong about that woman is one way to brighten up my Monday blues. I just hope that it goes to plan. I just need to make sure that I play my cards right, I can't risk putting any of us in danger, I have to be clever about this.


I run the edge of my finger across my glass desk, back and fourth. I'm feeling tense and anxious, but I have to do this. I glance at the clock, which reads 11:26 am. Not long until my master plan begins. I just hope that Elena isn't in when I arrive.

The cameras are all in their places, a camera in the eyes of two bears for Ted's room and Phoebe's nursery, a large black ornament for the sitting room, a built in camera in a baby monitor for our room and finally another ornament for the kitchen. The cameras for the bedroom are just for my peace of mind, I dread to think that she would go in any of the bedrooms. But this is Elena that were talking about, and she is one sick woman. I can't make it obvious that I'm setting up cameras, hence them being placed in hidden objects. If she knows I'm onto her she will play against me, play me against my own husband.

If she is in when I arrive, I'll just have to tell her that I have to pick up some documents for work, hopefully that's a believable excuse. I'm guessing that Christian has already told her that I know that she's staying in MY home. I just hope that she doesn't get suspicious and try and twist Christian's arm again. It wouldn't be a first. And finally, trying to convince sawyer to let me go to the house will be another thing, he's likely to call Christian. How am I going to work around this?

I pick up the phone and call through to Hannah. She answers on the first ring. I knew she would.

"Hannah could you come through to my office please" I say, my tone is more brusque than I intended.

"Erm, sure, I'll be right through" she seems a bit bewildered. She hands up.

Precisely 18 seconds later my door creaks open, and I know it's Hannah. She's very punctual, I should give her more credit.

"Hi Ana. You wanted me?"

"Yes, come in, sit down" I smile at her, Hoping that she will relax.

She sits in front of me, and I contemplate how I'm going to structure my explanation. I don't want it to sound like I'm skipping work, although I own the company so that point is moot.

"Hannah, I have a meeting at one and another at 3 but can you fill in for my one o'clock one? I really have to pick up some documents for my 3o'clock meeting so I won't make it" I ask sweetly. This should do it.

"Erm, sure of course, I'll need a copy of your brief and all of your notes though, what time will you be leaving?" Shit. What time should I leave? I should leave soon if I want to be back in time. Maybe if I leave at 12 that would work.

"Well I'll leave about 12:00pm, I'll have documents that I need to print too whilst I'm there, me and Christian have been staying at escala for the last few days" I state matter of factly. That didn't give too much away did it?

"Okay, is there anything that you need to take with you? Shall I get your bag and coat ready?"

"Erm yes, please Hannah" I smile and she exits the room with easy grace. It's now 11:46 so I should get ready to leave soon. I need to deal with sawyer.

I've shrugged on my black coat, it matches my midnight blue dress, which hugs me, and sits just above the knees. It makes my bump look perfectly round and nicely shaped. It makes me feel less frumpy, and fat. Although it did set Christian back around $1300. He insisted rang I have a whole new wardrobe for my maternity. Then again, it's not like he can't afford it, he's stinking rich. More so now than when I first met him. Although it's pleasing knowing that I'm bringing in my own money. Although the irony is, Christian doesn't even let me spend it, he pays for everything.

A knock on the door startles me from my day dream. I notice the dark haired, well built figure stroll into my office. It's Sawyer. He looks at me, baffled. Yeah yeah. Just do as you're told.

"Mrs Grey?" His deep voice calls me.

"Erm Sawyer, I need to run back to the house, I have some documents that I need picking up and I have these gifts that I need to drop off" I lie.

"I could go and fetch them if that would be easier, I'm sure Mr Grey would be more comfortable with that"

"No it's fine, I'll come, I only have a few documents to get" I say, more sternly this time. He is the one working for me after all. He nods in acknowledgement.

He strolls over to where I'm standing and picks up the bags with my secret cameras, which are conveniently placed inside random objects. Luckily I cam monitor these cameras from my office, so there is a slim chance of Christian finding out. Sawyer looks surprised at how heavy the bag is, but I chose to ignore his look of bewilderment.

"Ready?" He asks, I nod, pulling my jacket more tightly around me.

For the duration of the journey, I run over the various possible scenarios in my head. What if Elena is there? What if Hyde is there? What if she finds the cameras? I take several steady I breaths. I need to calm my nerves. If I go in as a nervous wreck, she'll suspect something if she is there and so will Sawyer.

We pull up outside the gates, Sawyer types the pin code into the large metal gates. They swing open slowly as the car eases up the driveway. Home. Wow, I miss this, I feel like I haven't been here forever, when it's only in fact, been a few days. As the house gets nearer, fretfulness expands in my book. I really am doing this. I must be all kinds of crazy.

The car comes to a stop and so does my heart. I have no idea about what I am going to walk into or who I am going to walk into.

I stand in front of the large door, calming myself. My hands tremble as I attempt to put the key in the lock. Pushing the door open I walk in, turning my head to see who's home. I can't see anyone. I can't hear anyone.

"I'll take take that, you wait in the car" I order as I take the bag out of his hands. Right. Let's get this over and done with. As Sawyer makes his way to the car I close the door behind him. I hastily dart into the living room, and place the first ornament on the fireplace. It matches the room well and you would never guess that there is a hidden camera inside. It's I credible how well hidden they are, the Internet is a really amazing thing, and I have a great IT team behind me.

I repeat the process in the kitchen. If it wasn't for the few pots in the sink the place wouldn't look as though it's being lived in. The thought sickens me, knowing it's her of all people. In my home.

I place the cameras in my room and phoebes nursery. As I walk into Ted's room the scent comforts me. It smells like my baby boy. It smells like home. I run my hand across the bed sheets, they're soft and smooth. I'm sure Teddy can't wait to come back into his old room, with all of his toys. I hope that Christian let's us come home before Phoebe arrives.

I pick up his favourite book 'the lorax'. I should take this with me. He loves this book. Maybe I'll read it to him tonight. It's not as if Christian has been reading to him much lately. I position the bear on the shelf. Ensuring that the blazing eyes capture a view of the entire room. For some reason, I feel cunning, not a feeling that I am familiar with. But I like it, it's exiting, thrilling.

Finally, I make my way to Christian's office. I need to take something with me so that it actually looks as though my trip home had a purpose. Idly, I wonder where Elena is, if she's that badly injured, where could she possibly be.

As I open the office door, I am restricted as there is something forcing the door against me. I force it open and whatever is behind it, slides away from the door. What is that? The office looks the same, but it looks as though this is the only room in the house that has been used for the past week. Peering my head around the door, a frown appears on my face. I look down, there is a large, deep red, wooden chest with leather covers and gold studs. That's not Christian's? I silently close the door behind me, I am intrigued as to what could be inside. I bend down slightly, unclip the gold buckle and lift open the chest. What the fuck! I can't believe what my eyes are seeing. Shocked would be like an understatement. More like a bombshell. I gape at the contents of the chest in horror, everything around me blues and I remain transfixed on the chest.

"Hello, Ana. I've been expecting you" I know that spine chilling voice anywhere. It's her. Elena.

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