Un-welcome women

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I hug myself at my response. Oh my playful fifty. I love it when he's in this mood. Come to think of it, he's always in a good mood. I think that family life agrees with him, and he makes the most wonderful father. I idly wonder if becoming a dad has helped him heal a few wounds from his childhood. I dismiss the thought immediately. I don't want to go there. Not now. Not at work. Fond memories fill my mind and I am thrown back to when I found out I was pregnant for the second time. Christian took the news a lot better this time round. Although that's probably because we were expecting it.

"What does it say?" He asks, nerves apparent in his tone.

"I don't know, I don't want to look. You look" I hand him the thin, white stick as his eyes remain fixed on mine. He looks down at the pregnancy test, his eyes suddenly shoot back up to mine, joy and wonder etched on his face.

"Well.." I prompt.

"Well, Mrs. Grey. It looks like we're going to be parents again" his smile reflecting his excitement.

"Oh Christian!" I fling my arms around his neck as the chair in the bathroom tilts. I sit comfortably straddling him, facing him.

"That was a lot easier than last time" I giggle.

"I know. I am sorry for how I reacted about Ted, if I'd have known that being a dad would have felt this special I never would have said those things and walked out." His expression is soft and sincere. And my lost boy is back.

"Christian it's fine, you were scared. We both were and it was such a big shock to us. But we got there in the end" I smile shyly at him and run my hands up his chest, around his neck kissing him, tugging at his hair.

I halt my wayward thoughts, alarmed by the direction they're taking. Especially because Christian hasn't made love to me in a week or so. He's been far too gentle, he's been treating me like I'm made of glass. But, I told him that I would be more considerate of his controlling nature.

The phone rings suddenly, startling me.

"Anastasia Grey- Grey publishing".

"I have an Elena Lincoln on line 1 Ana" Hannah replies. What the fuck does she want! Do I even want to know what she has to say? Oh of course you do! My subconscious snaps at me.

"Send it through Hannah, thankyou", I say, pressing the button to accept this unexpected call.

"Mrs. Grey" I say. Emphasising GREY. Yes,he's MY husband.

"Ana.. Erm I mean Mrs Grey hi. I do hope I'm not interrupting anything." Actually you're interrupting my erotic memories with my husband.

"What do you want, Elena" I snap. I don't have time for her games. Should I email Christian?

"Could we meet for a coffee? Have a talk. It's important. I heard about the new baby, congratulations by the way" WHAT!? Can we talk? What could she possibly want to talk about?

"What is so important that can't be discussed over the phone?" I ignore her congratulations.

"I can't say over the phone. Please, just think about it"

"I don't see what's so urgent that makes you feel the need to contact me out of the blue after all this time. If you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Goodbye Elena" I put the phone down. Fury running through me. Who does she think she is! The last time I spoke to her was just after me and Christian announced that I was pregnant with Ted. Where she told me that the best thing I could do for Christian was to leave him and raise the baby alone. Yet she has the decency to congratulate me. Who does this child molester think she is!

I need to call Christian. My hands tremble as I try to dial Christian's number. Adrenaline consumes my body. He answers on the second ring.

"Ana? What's wrong? Are you okay?" He sounds worried. I never call his mobile whilst I'm at work.

"How did Elena get my number?" I snap. I try to calm myself down. It's not his fault.

"Ana calm down. What an earth are you on about?" He says calmly, as if he's talking to a wild animal.

"She just called me at my office and asked me to meet her for a coffee! Apparently she wants to talk!" I shout down the phone. I try and rein in my temper but lose the battle.

"Ana. Calm down. Now. I have no idea why she called you or how she got your number but I'll deal with it. In the meantime, finish up at work, Taylor will pick you up an take you home! I'm not comfortable with you being there whilst you're so worked up". I can tell that he's stressed and agitated. I instantly regret ringing him.

"Christian I am not going home because your ex mistress has called" I shout.

"Careful." Boy he sounds angry. "God damn it Ana will you just do as you're told for once! Taylor is already on his way. I'll be home shortly." He hangs up.

My heart sinks and I suddenly feel emotional. This is the first argument we have had since Christian told me I was to have an elective caesarean for this pregnancy.

I have the sudden overwhelming urge to cry. I hate arguing with Christian. However, I don't see why he's mad with me. His ex mistress is the one calling me. Tears begin to flow down my cheeks as I wipe them with the back of my hand. My sadness turns into anger once again, why does he feel the need to call her? Why can't he just ignore her? My whole world stops, and I realise, this woman is never going to be out of our lives for good.

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