Room of Requirement

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"Let's stop pairing Pansy with different people" Loki tried to calm them.

"I bet there's a ship with Pansy and Lucius," Ron laughs.


"There actually is" Loki mutters that makes the theatre silent.

"You're joking," Lucius says.

"No, It's like the affair and the second reason why Lucius goes to Azkaban" Loki mentions.

"This has to be bullying," Pansy yells.

"I know," Loki nods.

"I am appalled" Narcissa says "My marriage has been tested."

"In many different ways" Loki sighs "Anyway back to 7th year.."


"Jump scare" Ginny laughs.

"Ruined the sentimental moment" Fred shook his head.

"Even scared Malfoy himself," George laughs.

"Avada Kedavra"

"Woah" Ron grows angry. "No blood way."

"Did he just-" Harry is in complete shock.

"Attempt to kill me, yeah" Hermione frowns.

"THAT IMBECILE-" Ginny screams.

Draco just stares silent.

"I'm really just there for show.." Blaise says "I would never kill you."

"How was he angry enough to be able to cast that?" Lupin is shocked.

Most of the theatre is really shocked as well.

"All I need to see is a Mudblood and I get angry enough" Bellatrix spat as she disappeared.

"She's just-" McGonagall shakes her head.


"I know this sounds stupid but how do you just use all these good spells against a killing curse" Pansy says "Like come on."

"My thought" Blaise says "I would have hit him right back."

"And that's why you're in Slytherin" Hermione rolls her eyes.

"Terrible" Luna frowns.

"Ahh, that's my girlfriend yo, Numpty".

"True that" Neville pats Ron.

"Thanks for making it clear" Sirius says "While at it, beat his ass."

"Why did they all of a sudden back away?" Hermione turns red hearing on-screen Ron call her his girlfriend.

"Planning something," Harry says, still angry "I can feel it."

"I just don't know how people can just say that so casually" Lupin seems extremely disappointed.

"Children of the death eaters" Fred shrugs "It's expected."

"Still don't know why Malfoy can't cast" George shakes his head.

"You want me to?" Draco asks, clearly stressed.

"No.." George turns away.

*Harry climbs up the stuff*

"All to get a tiara" Lucius sighs.

Bellatrix sits back down.

"The tiara happens to be a horcrux" Dumbledore glared at him "But why would you care, you carelessly gave an 11 year old a diary."

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