The Grey Lady Scene

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" Woah, Hermione," Loki paused. " Don't get offended".

"I'm not offended by Ms. Lovegood" Hermione says " I was just stating a fact".

" I like Melanie," Luna repeats.

" I think it fits you," Neville smiles.

" Anyway, what's next please?" Harry taps his chin.

" Hold on, I have to allow the racist back in" Loki claps and a bird lands on Bellatrix's chair.

" Is that-"

Harry was cut off by the abrupt laughter that filled the theater once Fred and George got a peek at the bird. They laughed and laughed till everyone seemed to have gotten contagious even though they were confused on why a bird was so funny.

" Why is this bird so funny?" Draco glares.

" It's because its Bellatrix" Fred snorted.

" Loki never confirmed that" Narcissa looked to Loki.

" Oh right" Fred with pleading eyes looked at Loki. Loki laughed and just nodded confirming and the the whole place filled with another round of laughing while the bird made angry chirping noises.

" Turn her back," Lucius snarled.

" Give me a good reason" Loki huffed.

" Turn it back" Snape said between clenched teeth.

" Fine, only cause you called it an it" Loki smirked and a Black vapor filled the air and they sat Bellatrix with restraints around her mouth and body.

" She's fine like this," McGonagall said.

" No, she isn't," Narcissa says.

" Oh, come on" Fred begged her " It's funny".

" She's my sister," Narcissa says.

" And Andromeda was too" Fred says and the Theatre gasped.

" What are we watching today?" Lupin said loudly.

" Don't ruin the Black drama" Sirius stared at them " Carry on" .

" It's Deathly Hallows Part 2" Loki says.

" Play it"

" But-"


" Are you coming?"

" No, it's best if you talk alone"

" Oh, right we saw this before" Ginny recognizes.

Bellatrix struggles to speak

" Yeah, we're meeting a ghost" Luna makes a dramatic gasp.

" I am still wondering who this ghost is" Pansy says " I'm gonna rate her looks".

" Most Ghosts are ugly" Ron admits.

" No, they aren't " Luna gets offended " They are beautiful and kind".

" She's very shy".

" Right, I remember that part," Blaise nods.

" I think we were mocking that part a lot," Hermione laughs.

" I do not remember that" Pansy gapes.

" It's because your a bully" Ron scoffs " Bullies never remember what bullying they did".

" That is not a lie" Loki snaps her fingers.

* Harry continues to walk*

" At this point, I am expecting a jump scare" Draco says.

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