Leta's Memories

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"I see we have something new to look at" Loki smiled at her screen.

"What?" Ron asked.

"I think you should know by now that I don't answer your questions" Loki had a tense way of explaining things.

"Ah right" Ron rolled his eyes.

"What are we going to be watching?" Neville asked.

"That is basically what I just asked," Ron mumbled.

"No, you only said what" Loki said before turning to Neville "We will be watching a little bit more of fantastic beasts but this is from the 2nd movie which is called the Crimes of Grindelwald."

"That is interesting," Dumbledore squinted.

"It picks at it," Snape said.

"Yes, indeed."

*Dining Hall*

"I miss that place" Ginny frowned.

"Sometimes I just want to go back," George said.

"Same" Fred sighed.

"When will you return us?" Narcissa asked Loki.

"Soon enough" Loki replied.

"Soon enough sounds like a lie" Pansy scoffed.

"Probably because it is" Draco acted as if it was the biggest secret he was forced to keep.

*She enters a classroom and opens a desk*

"Who is she?" Hermione asked.

"Leta Lestrange" Dumbledore announced.


"LESTRANGE" Bellatrix gasped "She's related to my husband."

"The first time I have heard her refer to Rodolphus as her husband" Lupin chuckled, making Harry and Sirius join in.

"Yea, distant cousins" Dumbledore nodded.

"Just distant?" McGonagall's eyebrow raised.

"Yes, she was the last of her line..." Dumbledore seemed sad but everyone ignored him.

*She holds the desk*

"Is she reminiscing?" Ginny asked.

"She looks gone," George said.

"Mentally clocked out," Fred said.

"Even the name Lestrange makes me sick."

"What?" Bellatrix eyebrows raised at that.

"They are probably muggles disrespecting the pureblood name" Lucius hissed.

"This is the early 1900's" Snape said "Barely any muggle-borns attended Hogwarts, yet."

"But they did," Lucius said "Even if we hate it."

"He really hates muggles," Dumbledore whispered.

"You know she stays here every vacation. Her family actually don't want her home."

"Oh, that's rude" Hermione grew offended.

"Kids are mean," Blaise said.

"Not an excuse," Hermione sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09 ⏰

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