High School Sweet hearts

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requested by:  BreBre968

" I'm starting to feel bad for the people that are on this request list" Loki shakes her head.

" Is it that long?" Neville gasps.

" Yep, that long especially the ones further down the list" Loki sighs.

" You'll get to them eventually," Luna smiles.

" Yea" Loki says " After these music requests".

" Are we not done with music requests?" Draco rolled his eyes.

" There are like 7 more after this" Loki said.

" Then we will be done" Harry sighed " Finally".

" With the music requests, yes" Loki smiled " Now, I'm going to move you and Draco again".

" FINALLY," Draco screamed.

Loki rolled her eyes and moved them back to where they were originally seated. Harry was next to Sirius and Draco was sitting next to Ginny.

" Oh, I forgot," Draco scoffed.

" Get used to it," Ginny said.

"Can we just be honest?"

"These are the requirements."

"If you think you can be my one and only true love"

" No," Draco says.

" No one wants to know your requirements" Ginny hisses.

" Who would take their time to listen, honestly?" Harry scoffs.

" I would," Draco whispers.

"You must promise to love me."

"And damn it, if you fuck me over."

"Oh" Ron chokes.

"I will rip your fucking face apart."

" How did she say the f word so angelically?" Pansy seems confused.

" Cause she did somehow" Hermione shrugs.

" She's Melanie Martinez" Blaise says " That's your best answer".

"Step one"

"You must accept that I'm a little out my mind."

" Not the chalkboard writing" Ron hesitates.

" You find it annoying?" Luna asks.

" In a way," Ron replies nervously.

" She's really good at acting crazy," Lupin notices.

" I think it's because she is," Sirius replies.

"Step two"

"This is a waste if you can't walk me down the finish line."

" As in marriage?" Narcissa clarifies.

" I'm assuming that's the finish line," Fred says.

" Then there is divorce" George whispers.

" Yeah, that has to be a taboo in the wizarding world," Ginny says.

" It kinda is," Draco mumbles.

"Step three"

"Give me passion, don't make fun of my fashion."

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