Chapter 11: Drive-In Tori

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The girls were all assembled in the meeting room, waiting for Kotaro to arrive. They were also waiting for you too as you weren't present like you usually were.

In fact, no one had seen you since everyone returned from Ureshino yesterday. You had run off and hidden yourself away for the time being and it made everyone worried.

Regardless though, they knew that the show had to go on.

Written on the blackboard was a baseball scoreboard with the two teams names 'Tatsumi Academy' and 'Franchouchou High'.

The scores were even and for the moment, the meaning for having this on the board was alluding the girls.

All of a sudden, the door to the room opened and Kotaro stepped in with a bat rested on his shoulder and a baseball in his hand.

To the relief of the girls, you shuffled in behind him and pulled the door closed again. You took a deep breath and walked over to your chair in between Sakura and Junko.

Both of them smiled at you, happy to see you after you had disappeared after the events of yesterday.

Meanwhile, Kotaro stood opposite of all of you and pointed the bat at you.

"TIME TO PLAY BAAAAALLLL!!!!" He announced in his usual time.

"It's the championship game to determine the ultimate idol team!!! We're now in the ninth inning with three runs a piece!! Will Team Franchouchou be able to hold it together and win the game?!" He exclaimed.

"Here comes their ace pitcher!! Y/n L/n!!!" He yelled, causing everyone to look at you and for you to tilt your head.

"Just kidding I'm gonna pitch instead!!!" He said as he threw the ball in the air and swung the bat at it.

The bat connected with the ball sending it flying right at you. The eyes of all the girls widened as they watched the ball close in on your face at high speed.

However before it hit you, the path of the ball changed slightly making fly past you and hit one of the metal bars. It bounced off and hit Saki in the back of the head, knocking her off her chair.

"HOME RUUUUNNNN!!!!" Kotaro yelled as a pissed off Saki got back up and picked up the baseball.

She threw it as hard as she could at him, hitting him right in the leg causing him to let out a loud cry and pain as he dropped the bat and fell onto the ground.

"I DARE YOU TO TRY THAT AGAIN PRICK!!!"Saki barked as she held onto the area of her head that was hit by the ball.


Meanwhile, everyone else looked at you to see if you were okay. You remained unmoved, your expression unchanged.

"The seemed to swerve away from him. First the two instances with the gun....and now this?" Sakura thought as she looked at Junko who was looking back at her.

"I know Sakura and Ai are thinking the exact same thing as me....there's no way that all of this is just coincidences....the ball moved away from him on purpose!" Junko thought.

Both girls knew what the other was thinking. And they weren't the only ones.

"That's gotta be more than luck. That was definitely going to hit him! Plus the gun jamming on all six rounds when someone tried to shoot him....." Ai thought as she cupped her chin with her fingers.

"The ball seemed to just....swerve away from him last minute. How intriguing...." Yugiri thought as she observed you.

"Y/n must be really lucky or have psychic powers with the way the ball just went away from him like that!" Lily thought as she used her imagination.

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