Garden of Blood Ness

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Two young boys, Jacob and Ryan, had grown up in the same small town their whole lives. Little did they know, that their home was seemingly hiding a dark and sinister secret.

One day, while exploring the woods behind their houses, they stumbled across a small garden nestled amongst the trees. It was the most beautiful garden they had ever seen, with vibrant colors and fragrant smells.

It wasn't until they got closer that Jacob and Ryan noticed the strange sight. The entire garden seemed to be covered in what looked like blood, and a stench of death hovered in the air. Despite their fear, the boys were too curious to turn away and decided to explore the garden further.

The deeper they went, the more horrified they became. Everywhere they turned, corpses of animals and humans littered the ground. The air was thick with the smell of death and despair.

Suddenly, the boys heard a noise coming from the center of the garden. It was an eerie hum that seemed to be coming from the ground itself. They cautiously moved forward and soon found a large stone circle in the center of the garden. Inside the circle was a strange, glowing red substance that seemed to be the source of the hum.

Before they could take another step, the ground began to shake and the hum quickly grew louder. In a matter of moments, the entire garden started to disappear. Jacob and Ryan screamed in terror as the ground crumbled beneath their feet and they were swallowed up by the darkness.

When the townspeople arrived to investigate, they found nothing but an empty patch of land in the middle of the woods. It seemed the garden of bloodness had disappeared forever. Jacob and Ryan were never seen again.

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