Dead of all defeated

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The International Space Station was a symbol of international cooperation and partnership between the two countries. But now, it had become a battleground.

The two astronauts, one from each country, looked at each other with a mixture of fear and determination. They had been given their orders, and they both knew what had to be done.

The astronaut from the one country had been given the order to eliminate the cosmonaut from the other, and the cosmonaut had been given the same order. It was a moment of truth that no one could have imagined.

The astronaut made the first move and lunged forward with a wrench, but the cosmonaut was faster. He grabbed the astronaut's wrist and twisted it, disarming him. The astronaut backed away and tried to calm down, but the cosmonaut was relentless. He advanced, and the astronaut had no choice but to fight back.

The two struggled in zero gravity, and eventually, the astronaut was able to break free and grab a fire extinguisher. He used it to push the cosmonaut away, and as the cosmonaut floated away, the astronaut launched himself in the opposite direction.

The two astronauts continued to drift away from each other, with no way to reach one another, until the silence was broken by a loud explosion. The two countries had launched their nuclear weapons, and the International Space Station was destroyed in the process.

The two astronauts, the last survivors of their respective countries, were left alone in the darkness of space, with no way to reach each other. The two would never know what would have happened if they had been able to reach one another, but their last orders had been clear. They had been ordered to eliminate the other.

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