Friendship that breaks apart

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Minou and her new friend, Deoan, had become as close as a brother and sister in the span of a few months. Since the start of the school year, the two had become fast friends thanks to their shared passion for all things retro.

But the friendship was stronger than the common interests. Deoan's parents had come from a much different world. A world with secrets so dark and terrible that it had been almost forgotten, but Deoan remembered it all.

Deoan was part of a rare few, a Man-Animal, one of the descendants of an ancient tribe whose number is scarce in the present day. This tribe, their name long forgotten, were simply referred to as Man-animals, a tribute to their tradition of splitting their souls and binding one part to an animal they controlled while they slept. In older days they would sleep together in shifts, as to not die in either body, but this became difficult as modern times arrived. Now they are designated by certain bracelets so people will know not to wake them.

While Minou had known of the Man-Animals since she was a child, it was only when she became close to Deoan that she began to understand. Many believed them to be a threat, or worse, a weapon, but she knew better. Deoan shared his secrets with her and the two bonded over alcohol and the demons that had haunted them for years.

Though their friendship wasn't enough to protect them from the outside world, Minou and Deoan could always take solace in each other and the bond they shared. They would prove that by joining forces, the Man-Animals were no threat. They were something even better, a bridge between worlds and a reminder of the importance of friendship. And most of all, the remainder of the tribe.

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