The best treasure ever

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Once upon a time there was a treasure hunter who had a unique gift. Every year, his perspective would change; he was able to look at the world from different angles and see things that others could not.

He used this gift to uncover hidden treasures all around the world. He would go to far-off places and discover ancient artifacts, valuable gems, and forgotten riches. He was always searching for something bigger and better.

At first, this gift seemed like a blessing. But as he got older, the changes in his perspective became more extreme. By the time he turned ten, he had changed so much that he was no longer the same person. He had become a demon, a creature of darkness and destruction.

He was consumed by an insatiable hunger for power and wealth. He wanted to control and manipulate everything around him. He wanted to be the one who decided who got what, and who lost what.

The treasure hunter had become a monster, a creature of greed and malice. His transformation was complete. The world had changed, and so had he.

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