Bethany Miller and the Mystery of The Local Library

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Bethany had always been an avid reader. She loved nothing more than to spend her days curled up with a good book. So when Bethany heard about her local library, she couldn't wait to visit.

She made her way through the towering shelves, looking for something exciting and new. Bethany's eyes lit up when she saw a dusty old book with no name. She opened it, and was instantly sucked into the pages.

Bethany found herself in a dark forest, the trees looming above her like shadows. She heard a noise, and turned around to see a figure standing nearby. It was wearing a hooded cloak and Bethany couldn't make out its face. She started to run, but the figure followed her, no matter how fast she tried to go.

Bethany was desperate to escape. She ran for what seemed like hours, until she finally came to a clearing. She stopped, panting, and saw a door at the edge of the clearing.

Bethany opened the door and stepped inside. The walls were lined with books and it was eerily quiet. Suddenly, the figure from the forest stepped in. Bethany screamed, and the figure pulled back its hood to reveal a face made of paper.

The figure began to speak in a low, monotone voice. It told Bethany that she had been chosen to be a part of a scary story. Bethany was horrified, but the figure told her that if she completed the story, she would be allowed to return home.

Bethany reluctantly agreed, and the figure led her back to the forest. She was forced to face her fears, but eventually she made it to the end of the story. Bethany emerged from the forest, exhausted but triumphant.

The figure congratulated her, and then vanished into thin air. Bethany returned to the library, and vowed never to return to that scary story again.

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