deadly island

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The man awoke, the world around him was black and still. He felt something cold and hard beneath him and realized he was in a coffin. He heard a loud thump and he felt a presence beside him. He reached out, and his heart sunk as his hand touched a freshly dead body.

He screamed, but the sound was swallowed by the darkness. He frantically felt around the coffin, searching for an exit. He found a latch at the head of the coffin and pulled it open.

The man emerged from the coffin and found himself in a graveyard, the moonlight casting an eerie glow on the tombstones. He had no memory of how he got there, and no idea where he was. He walked through the graveyard, searching for help.

Suddenly he heard a voice. He looked up and saw a figure standing in the shadows. It was a woman, wearing a long black dress and a veil over her face.

The woman beckoned for him to follow her, and he did. She led him to a nearby cemetery chapel, and inside he found a group of people in black hoods and cloaks. He was shocked to find out that they were vampires.

The woman explained that she had saved him from being buried alive in the coffin. She said that the man in the coffin had been her husband, and the vampires had killed him. She told the man that she had chosen him to be her new companion, and that he must stay with her forever.

The man was terrified, but he had no choice. He stayed with the vampires for many years, learning their ways and becoming one of them. He never forgot the horror of waking up in that coffin next to a freshly dead body.

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