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It had been a long time since the young child had wanted a pet. His parents had promised they would get him a pet when they moved to a bigger house, and now that they had finally made that move, the young child was finally able to follow through on his wish. After much debate between the family, they decided on getting a dog, and the young child was overjoyed.

The first few weeks with the pup were a joy. He loved taking it for walks and playing fetch in the park. He was constantly bragging to his friends about his new companion. But after a few weeks, something strange started to happen. The pup began to lose weight. It started small, and the child didn't think much of it, but soon enough, the pup had become a living skeleton.

The family rushed him to the vet, but the vet could find nothing wrong. He said it was some sort of mysterious illness that was out of his control. The family was devastated. They tried everything they could to save the pup, but nothing worked. In the end, they had to make the heartbreaking decision to put him down.

The young child was devastated. He had grown so attached to the pup, and it was hard for him to accept that he was gone. But as time passed, he learned to cope with the loss and eventually moved on. He still remembered his pup fondly, and the memories they shared.

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