diamond stare

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You were in line at the grocery store, waiting patiently for your turn to pay. You could feel someone's eyes on you and you turned to see a tall man with dark eyes staring at you. You tried to ignore him, but his gaze seemed to follow you around the store.

Finally, you reached the checkout counter and paid for your items. You were about to leave when the man approached you. You were about to tell him to leave you alone, when he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box.

He opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond necklace. 'This is for you,' he said. 'I saw you in the store and I knew you had to have this.'

You were speechless. You had no idea what to say or do. The man looked at you expectantly, and you finally accepted the necklace.

As you were about to thank him, you noticed a familiar symbol on the back of the box. It was the same symbol that had been tattooed onto the man's arm. You realized that he was the same person you had seen in the store earlier, and he had been following you all this time.

But it was all too late, as the man had already disappeared into the night. You were left standing alone, with a diamond necklace in your hands, wondering what had just happened.

You never saw him again, but you learned an important lesson that day: always be aware of your surroundings, because you never know who is watching.

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