Ride The Lightning

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Alexander knew he had to find the secret pillars of the galaxy in time before his best friend would be struck by lightning. He had heard of the legends, but he had never seen them for himself. As he traveled the galaxy, searching for clues, he encountered strange creatures and dangerous places.

Nothing seemed to help him find the pillars, and time was running out. Still, he pressed on, determined to save his friend. Finally, he reached an ancient temple with pillars of light surrounding it. He knew this was it.

He quickly made his way inside and searched the chamber for the clues he needed. At last, he found a glowing stone and placed it in the center of the temple. As he watched in awe, the pillars unleashed a bright light that enveloped the room. Alexander looked up to see the pillars of the galaxy appear and disappear in an instant.

With the secret pillars in sight, Alexander knew he had to act fast. He activated the pillars and as the lightning descended from the heavens, Alexander was lifted into the air. He was the only one who could survive the lightning and he had to do it alone.

Alexander rode the lightning and returned to his friend's side before it could strike. He had survived, and the secret pillars of the galaxy were now his secret. He vowed to never forget the power he had just seen and to never let it be used for evil.

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