Witch Souls

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Finn had always been an adventurous soul. She had traveled far and wide, and always loved to explore new places. But she never expected to find what she did on her latest journey.

Finn was trekking through a dense forest when she stumbled upon a hidden city. It was ancient and crumbling, but it was still filled with a strange energy. Finn decided to explore and soon found that this was no ordinary city. It was full of witches, long forgotten and living in secret.

Finn was both intrigued and terrified. She had never heard of such a place before. The witches seemed friendly enough, but Finn could sense an underlying darkness beneath their smiles. She stayed for a few days, learning of their customs and beliefs, but when it was time for her to leave, they made it clear she could never return.

Finn had no choice but to obey, but as she left, she felt a chill pass through her body. She knew there was a hidden danger in this strange city, and she feared she had only just scratched the surface.

Back home, Finn found herself plagued by nightmares. She would wake up in the middle of night, screaming and shaking, but she could never remember what they were about. Then one night, she had a dream of the city, and saw the witches in a different light. They weren't friendly at all, but cruel and twisted, plotting something sinister.

Finn woke up in a cold sweat, but she knew she had to go back. She had to find out what was going on and put a stop to it. She returned to the city, and this time, she was prepared. With the help of her newfound magical powers, she was able to confront the witches and put an end to their wickedness.

In the end, Finn saved the city and reclaimed it for the people who had once lived there. But she never forgot the horror of the witches and their dark secrets.

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