Religious attic

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Mandy had always been suspicious of the attic. It seemed to contain a strange energy, like something was living up there. She would often hear strange noises coming from the attic, but her parents would always shrug it off as the house settling. However, one day, Mandy heard something she couldn't ignore.

She cautiously made her way up the stairs to the attic, her heart pounding in her chest. She slowly opened the door, and to her surprise, she saw a woman in a long dress, looking out the window. She was clearly not a ghost, but Mandy was still scared.

The woman turned around and smiled. She introduced herself as Sarah, and explained that she was a runaway from a nearby city. She had been living in the attic for several weeks, trying to stay out of sight.

Mandy was relieved to learn that Sarah wasn't a ghost, but she was still concerned for the woman's safety. She offered to help Sarah, and the two of them made plans to get Sarah out of the attic and find her a safe place to stay.

With Mandy's help, Sarah was able to find a new home and start a new life. Mandy was glad that she was able to help, and the two of them stayed friends for years to come.

Mandy often thought back to that day in the attic, and to the strange energy she felt when she first opened the door. She knew that there was something special living up there, and it was not a ghost.

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