The Shaken Memory

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John had been to the mall with his parents a thousand times before, but this night was different. As they approached the entrance, John noticed something strange about the revolving door. It seemed to be spinning faster than normal, and the glass panels were clattering together.

John's parents stepped into the door, but it didn't move. After a few seconds, they realized they were stuck. John's father tried pushing and pulling the door, but nothing worked. They were trapped.

John's parents began to panic. They shouted and banged on the glass, but no one seemed to be around to help. John could only stand by and watch as his parents grew more and more frantic.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, a security guard showed up. He managed to get the door open and free John's parents. But the experience had left them shaken.

John never forgot that night. He could still feel the panic and fear that had gripped him as he watched his parents struggle to get out of the door. The memory would haunt him for the rest of his life.

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