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The mansion had been abandoned for years, but the locals still whispered stories of its haunted past. No one knew how the boy had come to be there, but he had been born inside the mansion's walls.

The boy was raised by the ghosts that inhabited the mansion. They were kind to him, but the boy was still scared of them. He was always wary of the shadows that lurked in the corners, and the strange noises that echoed through the halls.

One day, the boy decided to explore the mansion. He ventured deeper and deeper into the building, until he came across a secret room. Inside the room, he found a book that seemed to be enchanted. He opened it, and was surprised to see that it contained stories of the mansion's history.

As he read, he learned about the mansion's dark past. It had once been a place of horror and despair, where a cruel family had lived and done terrible things. As the boy read, he could feel the ghosts of the past watching him.

He quickly closed the book and ran out of the room. He ran back to the safety of his ghostly guardians, and never ventured into the secret room again.

The boy grew up in the mansion, surrounded by the ghosts that had become his family. He never forgot the stories he had read in the enchanted book, and he vowed to protect the mansion and its secrets.

Years later, the boy had grown into a man. He still lived in the mansion, now an old man, and he had passed on his knowledge to the next generation. He had kept the mansion's dark secrets safe, and he had ensured that the ghosts would never be forgotten.

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