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The phone did not stop ringing all week. At first, the mayor tried to ignore it, but eventually, he was forced to answer. On the other end of the line was a mysterious stranger with a chilling message.

'You will be dead by the end of the week,' the stranger's voice said.

The mayor was horrified. He asked the stranger who he was and why he wanted to kill him, but the stranger refused to answer. The mayor pleaded for his life, but the stranger ignored him and hung up.

The mayor contacted the police, but they could not trace the call. All they could do was give the mayor protection.

The mayor stayed in his office for the rest of the week, surrounded by security guards. But on Friday morning, he received a call from the stranger once again.

'I'm coming for you,' he said.

The mayor was terrified. He immediately called the police, but it was too late. The stranger had already broken into the building and was coming for the mayor.

When the police arrived, they found the mayor dead. The stranger had stabbed him in the chest with a kitchen knife.

The police searched the building for the killer, but he seemed to have vanished into thin air. It was a mystery that would never be solved.

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