Tommy The Ghost-hunter

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Tommy was lost in a forest and he thought he heard a ghost calling him. He followed the sound and found a creepy-looking house with windows that never opened.

Tommy was both scared and intrigued, so he decided to explore the house. He stepped inside and saw furniture covered in cobwebs and a thin layer of dust. The air was stale and the walls seemed to be alive with whispers.

Tommy ventured further into the house and heard a voice coming from the back room. He slowly opened the door and saw a woman with long, grey hair, wearing a dark robe. The woman was a witch and she told Tommy that if he opened the windows, she would turn him into a puppet.

Tommy was terrified and he turned and ran out the door. He was so scared that he never looked back. He ran until he could no longer hear the witch's voice and eventually stumbled out of the forest.

He never told anyone what happened that day, but he never forgot about the witch and the windows that never opened. He was grateful that he was able to escape her clutches and that he had kept his humanity.

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