Bonus Story + shoutouts!

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@DarthVader2005 Thank you so much for creating the amazing contest! Didn't I say a bonus story? Of course, I did! Here it is, and don't forget to check out book 2 in this series if you liked this one!


The night my heart flicked, I dug inside deep emotions and looked up at the wall. I should have listened to my dad. Here's what happened:

My Dad always protected me. No matter how much trouble I was in, no matter what stupid things I'd done, he always loved me.

My mother, you see, she died from a sickness. I never got to meet her, but Dad said she still loves me. One night in my quiet town, everyone was asleep.

I remember Dad telling me not to go outside at 2:01 PM exactly, or else something would happen. He didn't tell me what it was or why it would happen, but I was going to find out.

I prepared that night and crawled outside at 2:01 PM exactly. I saw a man in a black suit, with a gun, coming over to our house. I was aware.

He had a rope in one hand, and the gun in the other. All of a sudden, he turned to me and started. I did too. My heart was pounding, and I started to shake.

That was when he jumped on me and I fell to the ground. Three more guys, all in black suits with guns and ropes crowded around me.

They took the ropes and tied me up. Then they picked me up and put me in their van.

Since then, I've been sitting in the criminal's secret dungeon and haven't seen them since that day.


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