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Mandy had worked for her boss for over a year. She always thought it was strange that he cared so deeply about her. He even said he wanted to be like family.

One day Mandy's boss showed up at her door. He said he needed to stay for a few days and asked if he could sleep on her couch. Feeling obligated, she said yes.

That night Mandy couldn't sleep. She felt a strange presence in her home. She heard loud noises coming from the living room where her boss was sleeping.

The next morning Mandy went to check on her boss. She was horrified to find him with a strange glint in his eye and surrounded by a dark aura. He was speaking in a strange language and seemed to be in a trance.

Mandy ran into her bedroom and grabbed her phone to call the police. Before she could dial, her boss unleashed a wave of energy that threw her back against the wall.

The mysterious man then turned to the rest of Mandy's family and began to attack them with his supernatural powers. He wanted to take over their home and enslave them.

Mandy was able to fight back and eventually defeat her boss. She discovered that he was actually a demon from another world. After the battle, she was able to drive the demon away and restore peace to her family's home.

Mandy was forever scarred by the experience, but she was thankful that her family was safe and that her mysterious boss was gone.

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