Only Evil

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The five basketball players stood at the edge of town, peering into the abyss of destruction. Where there used to be homes, shops and restaurants, now there was only rubble and ruin. It had been only hours earlier when the team had won their tournament, but now their home was unrecognizable.

The team had no idea what had caused the destruction. But as they ventured further into the wreckage, they started to see movement. It wasn't human, but something else. Something terrifying. Zombies.

The five basketball players had heard of zombie lore before, but never thought they would face it for real. However, it was now clear that their town had been destroyed by the undead.

The team knew they had to face the zombie threat and save their home. They gathered whatever weapons they could find and formulated a plan. If they could find the source of the zombies, they could stop it and stop them from spreading.

The team searched the town and soon realized the zombies had come from an abandoned military bunker on the outskirts of town. The five players were able to sneak into the bunker and after a long battle, eventually find the zombie's leader – a hideous creature made of body parts cobbled together.

The creature explained that it was planning on turning the entire world into a zombie apocalypse and the five players were the only ones standing in its way.

The team fought fearlessly and managed to destroy the zombie leader, saving the day.

Back in town, the five players were welcomed as heroes. The townspeople had been worried about the team when they found out what had happened, but were relieved to see them back safe and sound.

With the zombie threat averted, the team celebrated their victory and the town returned to its former glory. Though the five basketball players had faced the toughest challenge of their lives, they had also saved the world from certain doom.

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