The mystery of Springville and the disappearing people

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The town of Springville was a quiet one. It was a place where the sun shone brightly and people went about their days with smiles on their faces.

But one night, something changed. The moon turned a deep red, and the sky filled with an eerie light.

The townspeople were frightened, but they had no idea what was to come.

The next morning, they awoke to a scene of horror. All of the cemetery's graves were now open, gaping holes with the dirt pushed out from underground.

The townspeople were shocked and terrified. They had no idea what had happened.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the air. It was a voice of a strange being, one the townspeople had never seen before. It said, 'The moon has destroyed everyone.'

The townspeople were filled with fear. What could this being mean?

The being then said, 'The moon has taken everyone, and it will take you too if you do not leave this place.'

The townspeople quickly gathered their belongings and ran away in terror.

And that was the last anyone ever saw of Springville. It was as if the moon had taken everyone with it.

The townspeople never returned, and the moon never returned to its original color.

It seemed that the moon had taken everyone away, and no one ever knew why.

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