Mix of Short Stories

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ways, and the little boy is the only one who can stop them. He has to find the source of the insanity and put an end to it.

Julie stepped off the bus with her suitcase in one hand and a map in the other. She had been searching for her home town for months but had been unable to find it. She started to walk down the country road and noticed a cemetery in the distance. She realized that it must be the cemetery of her home town. She walked closer and found her house, which had been turned into a hospital.

Julie went inside and found her father and mother there. He father told her that she was now a part of the hospital and that she must work to get paid. Julie and her mother went to work as nurses.

Meanwhile, Becky was walking in the neighbourhood when she spotted a little boy playing in the street. She ran over to him and asked him what he was doing. He told her that he was a little monster and that he would kill her if she did not leave him alone. Becky ran away and the little monster chased after her.

Melissa was walking through the park when she found a little boy who told her that he would eat her if she did not take him home. Melissa took off running and the little boy chased her.

Angela went to bed one night and when she woke up the next morning she found that her hands had turned into the claws of a cat. She was terrified and ran away from her house.

Billy was walking down the street one day when he saw a homeless man. He noticed some fruit by the man and, when the homeless man was not looking, Billy stole it and ate it. Unfortunately, the fruit was poisoned and Billy went blind.

A young boy named Robert loved to eat the flesh of dead animals, but one day a man appeared and told him not to do so. Robert didn't understand why and tried to ignore the man's warning. As he continued to eat the dead animals, he noticed a strange presence in his room. He soon realized that it was an invisible monster that was terrorizing him. Robert was scared but managed to find the courage to fight the monster. He was eventually able to defeat it and went back to his normal life.

A handsome prince was on a quest to learn magic and was determined to marry the beautiful princess. However, the kingdom was being attacked by demons, ghosts, and his own father. The prince was determined to save the kingdom but knew he couldn't do it alone. He sought the help of a mysterious wizard who gave him a powerful spell to defeat the monsters. The prince was successful and saved the kingdom.

One day, a small town was taken over by an unknown force. Everyone in the town started to act strange and would kill people with their mouths in the most gruesome ways. It seemed like no one was able to stop them. That is until a little boy appeared. He had the courage to stand up against the monsters and used his own strength and wit to find the source of the insanity. He eventually put an end to it and saved the town.

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