The devils blood

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The child, who was no more than seven years old, had been sleepwalking since he was a toddler. His parents had grown used to it, but this time was different. As he sleepwalked into their bedroom, he muttered something that sent a chill down their spines.

'I'm sorry. The Devil told me to.'

The child then pulled out a knife from his pocket and without warning, he lunged forward and stabbed his mother and father. The couple watched in horror as the child, still sleepwalking, continued to stab them, their blood spilling onto the floor.

When the child finally awoke, he was horrified at what he had done. He was taken away and put into a psychiatric hospital, where he was diagnosed with schizophrenia.

The child was never the same after that night. He was haunted by the memories of what he had done and he was never able to forgive himself. He had no explanation for why the Devil had told him to do it, and he was left with a lifetime of guilt and regret.

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