End Of The World

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Gilbert had been living a normal life up until recently. He had grown up in a small town, and it had always been a peaceful place. But recently, there had been reports of strange activity in the area, and Gilbert had been getting strange feelings about the place.

One night, after a bad storm, Gilbert decided to go for a walk. He walked past his family's old house and noticed that it was covered with a strange black fog. He was about to turn around when he noticed something even stranger.

The entire city was covered in the black fog. It seemed like the entire town had been taken over by some kind of bad guys. Gilbert soon noticed that he was the only one in the city. He started to panic, but then he heard a noise coming from inside his parent's old house.

He crept inside and noticed that some of the furniture had been moved around and there was a strange smell in the air. He soon discovered the bodies of his parents. They had been brutally murdered.

Gilbert was so shocked by what had happened to his family that he ran back out into the night, not sure of what to do. He had no idea who had taken over his town and why they had killed his parents.

He decided he needed to find out what had happened to his town and get revenge for his parents. He started to gather information and soon came to the conclusion that the bad guys were using some kind of dark magic to control the town.

Gilbert began to plan his revenge against these bad guys. He decided to take them down one by one and eventually restore his city to its former glory.

He started to craft weapons and plan his attacks. Soon, he had a small army of people ready to help him take down the bad guys. After months of planning, they finally attacked and managed to take back the town.

Gilbert had saved his town from the bad guys, and his parents could finally rest in peace. But, from that day on, Gilbert had to live with the knowledge that there were still evil forces out there, and he would have to be prepared for the next time they came.

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