Chapter Seven

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Song of the Chapter: Nomad by Jeremy Renner

*One Week Later*

A week had passed since Skyla had to go on the road with Dean and Sam. It was still very tense between them, and she doubted it would get any better. She pretty much stuck to Sam's side when they went on a hunt, since she didn't want to be stuck in an awkward encounter with Dean.

When Sam mentioned that they had a case where they had to deal with bugs, Skyla absolutely refused to be a part of it. She hated bugs with a passion. Out of everything that could potentially scare her, bugs was one of the things that terrified the hell out of her.

"So what? Are we supposed to leave you in the hotel while we deal with the killer bugs?" Dean asked, and Skyla gave him a pointed look.

"If you value your life Winchester, you will not bring me anywhere near those bugs." Skyla replied, causing Dean to scoff.

"Bugs aren't even that bad." He commented, making her roll her eyes.

"Says the bitch scared of planes." She retorted, and he looked over at her offended.

"Let's go, Dean, before you two start fighting." Sam scolded, causing a scoff to leave Dean and Skyla's lips.

Skyla watched them leave, and once they were gone, she sat down on the couch in front of the TV and turned it on. She flipped through the channels for a few minutes until she found The Lost Boys, one of her absolute favorite movies. She watched the movie, and she could practically lipsync all the lines for David, one of her favorite characters.

As the movie ended, and the next movie began, Skyla started feeling tired. She barely got through the first twenty minutes of Jaws, before she slowly fell asleep. She hadn't been getting too good of sleep while laying in the back of the Impala, but she was able to sleep a little better in a hotel room.

The problem was, Skyla didn't stay asleep long. Next thing she knew, she was woken up by quiet giggles. She opened her eyes groggily, and looked around. She seen Dean with a mischievous smile on his face, but Sam's face look disappointed and not happy. Immediately Skyla knew Dean did some. She looked down, and her eyes locked on the roach laying on her leg that was over the arm of the chair.

A high pitched scream left her lips, as she jumped up and stomped her legs to make sure the bug didn't stay attached to her. Quickly, Sam went to her side and grabbed her shoulders to get her to stop screaming and jumping around.

"It's dead!" Sam exclaimed, and she finally to calm down.

"I didn't think you'd scream so loud. Our neighbors are going to think we're killing you in here." Dean commented, as Skyla simply glared at him.

"I hate you." She retorted, causing him to chuckle and hold his hands up in mock surrender.

"Sorry, sweetheart, but that was funny." He replied, making her glare at him again.

Skyla stomped over to one of the beds, and threw herself on to the bed. She pulled the blanket over her head, trying to calm down her racing heart. She was still scared, even if she knew the roach was dead. Dean knew she was serious, yet he thought it was hilarious to joke with her over it. She could've taken the joke if it was a butterfly, a ladybug, a fly, or a moth, but everything else really scared her.

One night when she was around fourteen, she woke up to a spider in her bed. She literally cried until someone killed it, then she made them search her entire bed to make sure there wasn't anymore. She refused to sleep the rest of the night, and the next night when she went to bed, she ended up waking up with nightmares about spiders in her bed.

"I think she's plotting your death, man." Sam told his brother, as they sat down at the table to do research.

"I guess she's taking over my bed tonight, and I'll be sleeping on the couch." Dean murmured, and Sam nodded.

"You might wanna sleep with one eye open." Sam joked, causing his brother to scowl at him.

Dean did feel bad about scaring her so much, but he had wanted to play a prank on her to try and get things a little more normal. He didn't like how tense and awkward everything was between them, and he wanted it to go back to how it use to be-at least a little bit. It seemed he didn't remember just how far her limit was on pranks. He had to make sure to make it up to her as soon as he could, otherwise she'd hate him.

"You think she'll forgive me?" Dean asked, and Sam sighed.

"She's considered forgiving you a long time ago, but after this little prank, I don't know." Sam replied, making his brother frown.

"How do I make it up to her?" Dean questioned, which surprised Sam, since Dean never asked for girl advice in his life.

"I think you two should talk it out," Sam said,"but if you want to do a little more, she wouldn't disagree to Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast tomorrow."

"I remember eating donuts with her at three in the morning when Dad was out on a hunt." Dean reminisced, and Sam gave his brother a smile.

"If you're really serious about getting her forgiveness, I think your relationship may get back to how it use to be." Sam replied, causing Dean to silently nod.

Dean really hoped that things would get back to how they use to be. He wanted to be able to hold her like he use to. Over the time that they had been traveling together, he couldn't stop himself from falling in love with her all over again. She was the girl he would fall in love with over and over again, because she was made for him, and he knew it...

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