Chapter Twenty Eight

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Song of the Chapter: Faint by Linkin Park

Dean was adamant that he was going to find Sam, even if it took weeks. He wanted to confront the man, and get answers as to why he had left Skyla. Hell, he was mad that Sam didn't stay in contact with Bobby. Honestly, even just staying in contact with Bobby would've calmed Dean down just a little bit. If Sam stayed in contact with Bobby, Dean would've known that Sam wasn't dead or missing.

It didn't take too long for Dean to find Sam's location. The truth was, Bobby had kept a little bit of a location on Sam, even without his knowledge. Dean was easily able to find him, and once he had found him, he went to his apartment to confront him. Bobby was the one that took him, and Skyla had went along with them, since Dean didn't want her to stay home alone. He didn't want to leave her alone, not after finally coming back and being able to be with her.

Four months on earth was forty years in Hell, and Dean felt like he had been away from Skyla for decades, even though he really hadn't. He was scared that the moment he stepped away from her, he'd never see her again. Being in Hell had scarred him deeply, and simple things that didn't bother him before, seemed to really bother him and make him think of the worst things that could happen if he did certain things.

"Dean?" Sam questioned, when he had come to the door.

Dean, Skyla, and Bobby had seen the woman Sam was living with. It was Ruby, or well, not Ruby. Apparently, the demon had left her body, and she was now her regular human self and was in love with Sam. Skyla believed it was all a lie, but there were so many things people were mad at Sam over, that she didn't want to add suspicions to the anger.

"Why did you leave her?! You told me you'd watch out for her!" Dean shouted, once he had reunited with his brother.

"I'm sorry, Dean. I was hurting, and I wad trying to find a way to bring you back. I didn't want to drag her down with me." Sam replied, causing his brother's anger to grow.

"So, even after she called you and left you a voice mail that she was pregnant, you didn't think it was important to even call her back?" Dean questioned, and Sam sighed.

"At first, I thought she was lying to try and get me to talk to her," Sam admitted, making Skyla's eyes fill with tears,"but after I stopped thinking that it was a lie, I tried to work harder to find a way to bring you back. I knew Skyla and the baby needed you, but I couldn't get you back."

"You didn't even call to see if she needed anything. You changed your number and blocked her from your life." Dean accused, and Sam nodded.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt anyone, but I did, and that wasn't my intention." Sam replied, but Skyla could barely look at him.

Skyla was hurt, and it was going to take more than an apology from Sam for her to forgive him, especially after he admitted that he thought she was lying about the pregnancy. She would never lie about a baby. That was one thing that she always felt was off limits when it came to lying. She couldn't believe that Sam thought so little of her. It made her practically hate him, and she didn't like feeling that way.

For someone who claimed to not be like his father, he really reminded Skyla of the man in that moment. Sam had done exactly what John would've done, except she wondered if John would've treated her that way. He had apologized and told her why he had treated her so badly, so it made her wonder if he would've been there for her when she lost Dean, and once she had found out that she was pregnant.

"Have, uh, have you been staying with Bobby?" Sam asked, as he tried to clear the air with Skyla.

"Yes." She answered, her answer short and emotionless.

"Look, Sky, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was seriously trying to find a way to bring Dean back. I knew you missed him as much as I did, and if I could get him back, we would both be happy." He said, and she frowned.

"You could've talked to me, Sam. I would've helped you, or I at least would've supported you." She commented, causing him to nod.

"I know, but I wasn't thinking straight." He replied, making a small scoff-like laugh to leave her lips.

"So you seriously have nothing to do with Dean coming back?" She asked, since they were trying to figure out what or who had dragged him out of the pit.

"No, I really didn't. I tried everything, but nothing worked. I even tried selling my own soul, but no demon would take the deal. They wanted Dean, and they had him. I have no idea how he got out of Hell." Sam said, making her frown.

Skyla didn't want to believe that Dean's life had been for negative reasons. She wondered who or what had brought Dean back, but she was beginning to think he was brought back for a reason. She couldn't help but wonder if a demon brought him back, so that they could use him for an ultimatum later. There was no telling what could happen, or why he was brought back, but she hoped it wasn't anything bad.

The Winchesters, which included herself this time, seemed to have the worst luck. When things were going good, bad things came and plowed them over. When bad things happened, they were use to it. Honestly, Skyla wondered if it was really a good idea for her to have her baby, but she loved the baby, and she'd never give up being a mother. She and Dean deserved this happiness, and she was going to try and make sure nothing took this happiness away...

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