Chapter Thirty Two

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Song of the Day: Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder

Barely two weeks after Castiel saved her from the demon, Skyla went into labor. She had been home alone when she started feeling pain. After a while, she realized that it was contractions. The pain wasn't too obvious at first, but after a couple hours, she couldn't handle it when she was standing. She had to sit down, otherwise she would be doubled over when the pain ripped through her body.

Once it got to this point, she called Dean, and told him that she was in labor. Dean practically freaked out on the phone, as he quickly left the case that he was one. Sam had thought about staying and finishing the case, but he knew that Dean needed someone level headed with him on the trip back to Bobby's. He called Bobby on the way back, so he could get another hunter to work on the case that they had started.

Dean and Sam had entered the kitchen of the house, and found Skyla sitting on the chair near the kitchen table. She was drinking a water, and trying to mask the pain she was feeling. The boys could easily tell that she was masking the pain, and that she was actually really hurting more than they would be able to see.

"We need to get you to the hospital." Dean commented, but Skyla shook her head.

"No, the moment I go, they're going to tell me I'm not far enough along to be admitted. I'd rather be in pain at home, then be in the hospital where they're going to poke and prod at me all day." She replied, causing him to sigh.

"Fine, but as soon as I think you need to go, you're gonna go." Dean said, and she reluctantly agreed.

Dean made Skyla some curly fries when she got hungry, and she was able to eat all of them without being in too much pain. She finished about three more bottles of water, since she felt like she couldn't get enough to drink. When she was in enough pain, she decided that it was time to go to the hospital. The moment she stood from her seat at the kitchen table, she felt a bit more pressure, and her legs were soaked.

"My water broke." She gasped, and the boys looked at her with wide eyes.

"I-I'll clean this up, you two go to the hospital." Sam said, as he began to look around the kitchen to find cleaning supplies.

"Can you get me some new clothes first?" Skyla asked Dean, and the man nodded.

Dean ran up to their room and grabbed her some new clothes, as well as the baby's bag. Once he had the new clothes, he brought her to the bathroom so she could change and clean up a little. She had decided to just throw away the clothes she had worn, since she knew she definitely wouldn't want to clean them.

Once she was changed, Dean drove her straight to the hospital. He got her a wheelchair, and once they were inside, Dean was able to get her checked into the hospital. Barely ten minutes later, Skyla was brought to a room for her to stay in while she was in the hospital.

"We need to know if you want an epidural, before you are too far along to recieve one." A nurse commented, and Skyla agreed almost immediately.

"I don't think I'd be able to handle birth without some type of drugs." Skyla replied jokingly, causing the nurse to laugh.

The nurse came in with a doctor, and they set up Skyla's epidural. The epidural didn't feel good going in, but Skyla definitely felt better after the epidural began working. She didn't feel the pain from the contractions, and that was something she was definitely happy about.

"I'm so glad I ate before I came. I don't think I could handle only ice chips for hours." Skyla told Dean, making her husband laugh.

"I would've snuck you in food, don't worry." He replied, and she grinned playfully at him.

Only a couple of hours later, Skyla was ready to give birth to their baby. A doctor and a couple of nurses were in the room, along with Dean. Dean joked that birth was kind of gross, but Skyla simply rolled her eyes at him, and squeezed his hand extra hard to cause him to groan from pain. It wasn't like she thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world either, but she didn't want to hear about it while she was giving birth.

"Congratulations, Mom and Dad, you have a healthy baby girl." The doctor said, as she held up the little baby girl.

"Would you like to hold her, or do you want me to wash her up first?" A nurse asked, causing Skyla to smile sheepishly.

"Does it make me a bad mom if I ask to have her washed up first?" Skyla asked, and the other women quickly told her it was okay.

While the baby was being cleaned up, Skyla was being cleaned up and assessed as well. Once both were clean and ready to leave the labor and delivery room, they were brought to their regular hospital room to rest and relax together. A nurse placed the baby girl in Skyla's arms, and she almost cried.

Dean was next to hold the little girl, and she was the most beautiful little girl he had ever seen. She was his little girl, and he felt like his heart was full as he held her. She was everything to him the moment he laid eyes on her, and he knew that he would always love and protect her from everything in the world. He and Skyla had the perfect little family. He almost joked that he'd want another baby in the future. For now though, he was happy with Skyla and their new baby, and he would always be happy with just them if that's what his life called for...

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