Chapter Three

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Song of the Chapter: Crawling by Linkin Park


Dean laid with his head on Skyla's chest as she sang November Rain to him. He loved listening to her singing, so when they got moments alone, she'd lay with him and sing to him. Her voice was soothing, as if an angel was gracing his ears and soul. Everytime she sang to him, he'd feel warm inside, a different kind of warmth than he normally felt around her. A warmth that flowed through him like everytime he heard her say "I love you," which they said quite often to each other.

When she stopped singing, the air turned cold, as did the atmosphere. Looking around, he seen Skyla come out of the bathroom with a sickening smirk on her face. His heart began to speed up when he seen all of the blood running down her body. He jumped from the bed and ran over to her.

"Sky?! Oh my god! What happened?!" He exclaimed, but all she did was laugh.

"What happened? What happened?!" She sneered, turning towards Dean,"You happened. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have ended up in this position. You broke me, Dean. You tore my heart out, mentally that is. So, in turn, I tore my own heart out, physically. Here ya go." She said, as she placed her bloody heart in his hands.

His eyes widened, as he felt himself beginning to freak out. He quickly grabbed Skyla, trying to fix her, but to no avail.

"Sky! I-I-" He stuttered, as she scoffed.

"What? You're sorry? You love me? Well, I hate to break it to you, Dean, but this is all your fault. You did this to me. I hate you, Dean Winchester, and I will never forgive you." She spat, before her eyelids fluttered, and she hit the floor.

"No! No, please! Sky! Skyla! Baby! Please, I'm sorry! Wake up!" He cried, burying his face in her bloody chest, as tears cascaded down his face.

*End of Dream*

Shooting up, just like every night, in cold sweats and deep breaths. The dream had felt so real. He swore he could feel her blood on his hands. He swore he could feel her; feel her dead body that he had caused. Growling to himself, he threw the blankets off of his legs and stood from the bed. Even though it was still dark, middle of the night to be exact, he felt as though he wasn't tired anymore.

He had to go get Sam from Stanford. Matter of fact, he was in a hotel a few miles from campus. He had booked the hotel for the night, in hopes he'd get some sleep before he had to go and practically kidnap his brother from the university. He felt bad for dragging Sam back into the life, but he couldn't go on without Sam. He needed Sam's help finding their father.

John had went on a hunting trip and hadn't been back in a few days. Those words may not scare many people, but it scared Dean and it would scare Sam, Dean was sure of it. No matter how much Sam resented the old man, he would still feel crushed if he could never see him again, even after their last interaction ended on bad terms, very bad terms.

Sneaking into Sam's apartment on campus, Dean tried to be as stealthy as possible. He honestly wanted a beer to calm his nerves, but as he looked around for one, he began to have doubts that Sam would actually have any type of alcohol in his apartment. Accidentally knocking something over in the dark, he silently cursed himself and hoped he hadn't woken his brother. Being attacked from behind, Dean flipped the person over and held him down, seeing it was Sam almost instantly.

"Seems like you lost your touch, Sammy." Dean commented, before Sam flipped him over.

"Dean?" Sam questioned, surprised to see his older brother at his apartment in the middle of the night.

"Sam? What's going on?" A voice, Jess, asked, as she flipped on the kitchen light.

Sam made his way over to his girlfriend, whom he had been sharing an apartment with for a while. He and Jess had been together for some time now, but no where near as long as Dean and Skyla ever were. Sam hoped to get that far with Jess, but he wasn't always so certain on how things would turn out.

"Jess, this is my brother, Dean. Dean, this is my girlfriend, Jess." Sam introduced, though he felt as if he hadn't needed to do so.

"I like the Smurfs." Dean commented, openly flirting with his brother's girl.

"I-I'm going to go change." Jess stuttered, as Dean shook his head.

"No, you don't have to change." He said, a flirty smile on his face.

Sam knew that Dean still missed Skyla, but he didn't know how openly flirtatious his brother could be already. It had only been a year, and Sam was already seeing the flirty nature Dean had used to win over Skyla on her birthday when they had met.

"What are you doing here, Dean?" Sam asked, causing Dean to quickly become serious once more.

"I need to talk to you, alone." Dean replied, sending Jess a look.

"No. No, whatever you have to say to me, you can say in front of her." Sam said, causing Dean to purse his lips.

"Dad's gone hunting." Dean answered, as Sam gave him a look.

"Yeah, so? He's an avid hunter." Sam replied, causing Dean to sigh.

"Dad's on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been back in a few days." Dean stated, and Sam's eyes widened.

"Jess, I need to go with Dean." Sam said, causing Jess to look at him confused.

"What? Why? You have an interview Tuesday." She questioned, and he sighed.

"I'll be back by the interview." He replied, turning towards his bags,"I just have to help Dean find Dad."

"You said your Dad went hunting, why do you have to help find him?" She asked, as Dean smirked.

"You don't understand, but I'll explain it to you when I get back." Sam said, kissing Jess.

All three people turned around when they heard another door open.

"Sam? What's going on?" A voice asked; a voice that haunted Dean every day since she left.

"Skyla?" He asked, staring at her.

"Dean." She said, no emotion in her voice.

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