Chapter Nineteen

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Song of the Chapter: Livin' On A Prayer by Bon Jovi

Skyla had searched through every book, and every archive she could find, along with Bobby, to try and save Sam. They knew Sam was gone, but Dean was adamant that Sam could be saved. At this point, Skyla believed that Sam's body would be getting stiff, but Dean refused for it to get to that point.

She and Dean got into a little argument, when she had told him that there was a chance Sam was gone. She didn't mean to say it, but he had accused her of giving up on him, and she went off on him a little bit. Tears were shed from both sides, but then Dean hung up on her, and it took her hours to get him to answer her again.

When he did finally answer her, he told her that he had found a way, and Sam was finally back. Almost instantly after he told her he found a way for Sam to come back, she knew what he had done. She knew, and she was beyond angry at him for it. How could he do that, after seeing what happened to John?

He wouldn't tell Sam what happened. He had Sam believing that he had just been in a sort of coma for a few days. Bobby tried to tell him, but Dean didn't want that. It didn't last too long though before Sam had eventually found out, and it didn't turn out well. The problem was, he refused to tell Skyla exactly how long he had left before he was taken from them.

"You have to tell her, Dean!" Sam exclaimed,"if you don't, she'll never forgive you! She'll never be able to find the closure she'd need to get over you!"

"She'll never forgive me anyway, Sam, so what's the point?" Dean retorted, causing his brother to sigh.

"Please, Dean," Sam pleaded,"if you don't tell her soon, I will." He threatened, and Dean groaned.

Dean felt attacked, which he had every right to feel, but at the same time, he didn't. He didn't deserve to feel attacked, when he was trying to keep such an important secret from Skyla. Skyla's feelings were going to be very hurt, and Dean hated hurting Skyla's feelings. He hated being the reason for her anger or tears, but what good man liked to make a woman angry or make her cry just for laughs?

Skyla still had to wait an entire week after Dean's talk with Sam to finally hear how long Dean had left. He had called her outside, and asked her to take a ride with him. They drove in mostly silence, other than the sound of the radio playing classic rock songs that they both liked. They both had similar personalities, as well as similar likes and dislikes, which also included most music and movies.

When Dean finally arrived at the area he wanted to talk to her. Dean was nervous to talk to her, but he knew he had to tell her the truth. If she didn't know the truth, and he happened to pass away, she'd possibly try to track him in hell just to torture him for keeping his death date a secret. She and Dean sat in silence for a moment, until Dean finally gathered enough courage to talk.

"I know I should've told you before, but I just couldn't," Dean sighed,"I only have a year to live." He said, making the girl frown.

"A year from the day you sold your soul, or a year still left?" She asked, butterflies of worry filling her stomach.

"A year from the day I sold my soul." He answered, and Skyla's eyes began to water.

"That means you only have ten months left," She said,"You knew exactly how long you had left, and it took you two months to tell me. You and I could've been making a bucket list for you, or something like that, but instead you decided to keep it a secret from me."

"I was scared, okay?!" He exclaimed,"I didn't want to tell you, because I was scared of your reaction!"

"God, Dean!" She cried,"You always do things without thinking. Every time I think we're getting somewhere, you do something to hurt me. You do something knowing it'll make me upset, or make me feel like I'm not on the same level as you."

"What do I have to do to make you forgive me?" He asked, a rasp in his voice from trying to hold back tears.

"I don't know," She murmured,"just do something that'll show you really love me, and that you're actually sorry."

"Marry me." He blurted out, causing her eyes to go wide.

"What?! Are you serious?!" She exclaimed, and he nodded.

"Marry me, Sky," He said,"make me happy for the last few months of my life."

Skyla had never believed that she would get the chance to marry Dean. After everything that happened because of John, she thought that she and Dean would be doomed to date for the rest of their lives, but she was wrong. Dean had come out of nowhere with the idea for a marriage, and Skyla really didn't feel like she could disagree with him. She truly liked the idea of marrying the man that she had loved since they were younger.

"When?" She asked, and a cheeky grin made its way to Dean's face.

"It'll be a surprise," He replied,"but we won't be dressing up in monkey suits."

Dean hated wearing suits, even though he knew he looked good. Skyla wasn't a big fan of dressing up either, so he didn't want her to feel obligated to dress up. They were going to have a wedding that they would want, not that other people would want them to have. She just wasn't sure how she felt about having a surprise wedding day, instead of being given a date so she could prepare for it...

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