Chapter Thirteen

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Song of the Chapter: Tha Crossroads by Bone Thugs n Harmony

Almost dying was one of the scariest things someone could ever deal with. Skyla felt scared, but somehow she also felt calmed. She felt like everything bad was going to finally go away. Nothing could bother her anymore, but then she woke up. She woke up, and all she had were injuries, she was not dead.

She, Dean, and Sam had rescued John, only for John to turn out to be possessed by the yellow eyed demon. He had almost killed her and Dean, and Sam refused to kill him when John fought the yellow eyed demon enough to talk to his son. The only reason the boys knew he was possessed was because he said he was proud of them. It was sad to know that this was how they knew, but at least they knew.

Anyhow, everyone in the apartment that night almost died, and they all had to escape to the Impala. John was in the front seat with Sam, and Skyla was in the back seat with Dean. Skyla and Dean had both been bleeding heavily, but Dean was just a little worse off. Then, next thing they know, and eighteen-wheeler hit the Impala and Skyla blacked out.

Waking up in the hospital was scary, and she was very confused when she first woke up. After a nurse came in and seen that she was awake, the nurse left, and moments later Sam and John came into the room. Skyla was too drugged up and out of it to be mad at John being in her room.

"We thought we lost you for a minute." Sam commented, sighing in relief.

"How bad am I?" She asked, her voice raspy.

"Broken ribs, major concussion, internal bleeding that was sewed up, fractured ankle, and minor brain bleed. They sewed up all other cuts and lacerations, too." John stated, causing Skyla to sigh.

"Am I going to be able to get outta here any time soon?" She asked, and the two men looked at each other.

"The doctor talked to us before you woke up. He said if you did wake up, he wanted to keep you under observation for a few days. Your major concussion and minor brain bleed could cause more severe issues that may not have been caught when you were unconscious." Sam said, making her groan.

"Where's Dean?" Skyla asked, once she noticed he wasn't in the room.

"I think the doctor should check you over before we talk about Dean." Sam commented, causing her heart beat to speed up, and the heart monitor started to alarm.

"Oh no, is he dead? Please tell me he isn't dead." She pleaded, tears swelling in her eyes.

"No, no he's not dead. He's just unconscious, calm down." John replied, but before she could, a doctor and nurses ran in to check on her.

"You two need to leave. We need to work." A nurse said, and the two men quickly left.

Once Sam and John were out of the room, the doctor and nurses began to help Skyla.

"Why did you lie to her?" Sam asked his father, once they were far enough away from the room.

"Look at her Sam, she barely made it out alive. If we told her that Dean is dying, she wouldn't be able to handle it. The news might actually kill her." John replied, causing Sam to frown.

"You always talked so bad about her," Sam murmured,"Why do you care now?" Sam questioned, narrowing his eyes at his father.

"She and Dean need each other, Sam. I should've seen that before, but now I do, and I'm not going to watch them both die because of me." He said, and Sam frowned.

Once the doctor was able to calm Skyla down and make sure there wasn't any damage caused by her rise in heartbeat, the doctor went to find Sam and John. He had to tell them how she was, and if there was anymore problems with her. John had told the hospital that Skyla was Dean's wife, and she didn't have any family, so John and Sam were the people that had to be informed on her condition.

"Her rise in heart rate caused a headache, and we're worried that her brain bleed may have gotten worse. I have given her medication to help with her pain, but she'll be getting a few scans done later to see if her brain bleed has gotten any better or worse." The doctor stated, and the two men simply nodded.

Sam was genuinely worried about Skyla, since she was practically his best friend. He didn't want to lose her, like he believed he was losing his brother. He was trying to figure out a way to save him, but he was running on empty. It had even gotten to the point where he tried to talk to Dean with a ouija board, and Dean told him that he was running from a reaper.

Dean was genuinely worried about Skyla, but that was before she had woken up. He had told Sam that he hadn't come across her ghost, so he hoped that meant that she was still in her body. Apparently, she was, and she was able to wake up sometime soon after Sam had talked to Dean about the reaper.

"She'll be fine. She's a fighter." John said, and Sam nodded in agreement.

John was a man of few words, especially when it came to comforting words. He wasn't known for comforting people, and he wasn't really good at it either. Though his father wasn't the greatest at comforting him, Sam was still glad that he had him. He wouldn't have been able to handle Dean and Skyla by himself. He knew he would've had a major freak out on the doctors at least once if he was alone. He just had to think of the best case scenario when it came to his brother and best friend...

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