Chapter Six

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Song of the Chapter: Nowhere by Ashley Purdy

      Walking into his room, Sam could hear the shower running. Looking over, he seen a plate of cookies on the table. A small smile graced his lips, since he believed Jess had made the cookies to show she had missed him. Unbeknownst to Sam, Skyla and Jess had made the cookies for him, since they both missed him while he was away with Dean. Skyla wouldn't tell Sam he couldn't be out with Dean though, since she knew it was for safety reasons, Jess on the other hand, she didn't know, but she wouldn't complain because she didn't want to upset Sam. Laying back on his and Jess's bed, his eyes closed in content. He was happy to finally be back at Stanford with Skyla and Jess.

       Dean had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He knew something was wrong, or something was about to happen. He sat outside of Sam's place for a while, waiting and making sure nothing happened. He couldn't allow something to happen to them, even if Skyla hated his guts right now. He loved her, so he wouldn't let her get hurt.

        Sam felt something drop on his forehead, causing his eyebrows to furrow. He wiped his fingers across his forehead, and looked at the liquid on his fingers. His eyes widened when he seen blood, before he looked up and seen Jess on the ceiling, same as his mother had been when he was a baby. Flames burst from her body, as Sam scrambled to sit up and get away from the fire.

"Sky!" Sam yelled, causing her to peek out of her door.

       As soon as she seen what was going on, her eyes widened in fear and terror. She quickly slipped on her boots, before grabbing the bag she always had packed from her closet. Quickly snatching her favorite book and picture album she had on her desk, she ran out of the room.

"Sam! Sky!" She heard, looking towards the entrance to see Dean.

       Dean ran over and grabbed Sam, pulling him away from his girlfriend who was engulfed in flames. Skyla ran to the door, holding it open for the two brothers to exit. Rather she hated Dean right now or not, she wouldn't let him die from smoke inhalation or engulfed in flames. Besides, she still cared about both brothers, even if Dean broke her heart.

"We've got to get out of here!" Dean exclaimed, as the trio climbed into Baby.

      Once everyone was in the car, Dean got the hell out of dodge. They didn't need to be there when the police showed up. He knew for a fact they'd be prime suspects in the case, even if they weren't the perpetrators. Hell, Dean wasn't even in the place until after the fire had started, but he had only went inside to save Skyla and Sam. He wished he could say he'd go in any burning building to save a life, but he really couldn't. Sam and Skyla were the only people he'd save from a fire, unless they were on a hunt. In which case, he knew it'd be more than him running into the fire.

"I'm surprised you've got your shoes on, Sky. I half expected you to be barefoot." Dean commented, trying to ease the tension in the car.

"I couldn't leave my favorite boots behind, and I only have two hands." She retorted, and he chuckled.

       He wasn't expecting her to talk to him, but his heart fluttered at the sound of her voice. Her voice was music to his ears, even if that sounded a bit too much like a chick flick moment. He wished he could hear her talk all day every day to him, especially if he was going to hear her sing again. He'd give anything to hear her sing to him again.

"Where are we going?" Skyla asked, feeling her heart twinge when her eyes caught Dean's in the rearview mirror.

"Our next hunt. Seems you'll be hunting again, Sky. I sure hope you stayed ready for one." He replied, a small smirk on his face.

"I'll have you know, Sam wouldn't let me take a break, even if he was too lazy to stay in shape. He had my ass running laps around the park." She retorted, and Dean laughed.

       A small smile graced Sam's face. Even though he had just watched his girlfriend burn to death on his ceiling, he still couldn't help the slight happiness that coursed through him hearing Skyla and Dean speak civilly to one another. He knew it wouldn't last. He had a feeling they were just speaking to make him feel better, but he hoped it would last for a while. He could see how it emotionally affected Dean every time she spoke. Each sentence seemed to raise his spirits, which made Sam a bit happier.

       All Sam wanted was for Dean and Skyla to be happy again. He seen first hand what happened when he didn't act first, so he prayed they would heed his warning. He didn't tell Jess the truth, so she paid the price. He just hoped they would be together, maybe then they could save each other from themselves. He knew they had inner demons tearing them apart, so he hoped they could save each other from their demons.

       Having Skyla and Dean with him, even if they weren't together, made Sam feel whole again. He had his brother and the girl he loved like a sister, finally back in one place with him. He didn't know how long it would last before everything blew up, but he had a feeling something was going to pop off. Not everything is an instant happily ever after, so he knew Dean and Skyla were one of them cases. He just hoped they'd be together in the end, before they ended up dead like Jess. He couldn't lose them as well...

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